Nikon SLR Cameras

What camera do i need?


Hi, so i need a camera that is good for when i take pictures in places that are dark or have very little light.
also it should be good without the flash, but with it as well too.
but i would need to use it more without the flash though.
& also preferably a nikon.


Usually, as long as the camera has a manual setting, you should be able to take proper photos in the dark by adjusting the ISO, the shutter speed, the f-stop, etc. I usually use Canon brand, but since you prefer Nikon, here are some others:

Nikon D40
Nikon coolpix L20
Nikon D-90

Their prices have varied from each source, but as far as I've seen, they're all in your price range.

Have fun!

In Hoc Signo Vinces
In Hoc Signo Vinces

Nikon D7000.In your budget range, you can get one that has a lens included. It performs excellent in low light, although this will vary depending on what lens you are using.

And you never specified if you needed a DSLR or not, so I will also mention the fujifilm x100, it has the sexy old-school rangefinder look and I heard it performs very well in low-light. Although you are stuck with a built-in lens on this camera, it is still high quality and possesses all the features of a DSLR and then some. (pretty much it's a poor man's Leica, it has a few things that could use improvement on, but it's by no means a bad camera).

Fistful of Silence
Fistful of Silence

I agree with R dash, the D7000 has some excellent features, it's basically an upgraded D90.