Nikon SLR Cameras
Alii N
2 answers
Alii N

Nikon or Canon? A good price? Which camera?

Okay, so I want to invest in a good camera, one that does good with photography AND has good quality for videos. I'd rather the camera be better at photography, I just don't want the video to be horrible because I'll be using video aswell. So I'm not sure whether to get a Nikon or a Canon NOR what camera I'm going to chose… Any recommendations or suggestions?

***OH, and not so pricey aswell.

3 answers

What Lights are Needed for Photographing Clothing Indoors? (Online Store)?

I have a shop on etsy and I just bought my first nice DSLR camera with an 85 mm f/1.8D Af Lens (Nikon) for shooting items like jewelry, etc.
I'm also going to be shooting clothing on a mannequin in an all white room. I have tried this before just using a flash but the light is too flat, blue and yucky… I want the pics to look bright, sharp and professional.
Any suggestions? (light that would complement up close macro photography indoors, of jewelry, etc, as well as full length photography of clothing on a mannequin)

10 answers

Do warrantys cover droping camera on the ground?

I dropped my Nikon DSLR on the ground and it's in the 1 year warranty period. Is this covered? Can I get a new camera? I bought it locally at a store

Kim Sca
1 answer
Kim Sca

Why does my camera only upload my vids and not my pictures?

I have a nikon S220.whenever i try to upload my pics and vids it when i look at the folder the pics were imported to it only shows the videos. It worked fine before. Then i went to the giants super bowl ceremony and its like one of those once in a lifetime things and i deleted all the pics once i uploaded them and they were gone! But the videos were there. Any ideas?

John T
3 answers
John T

Looking for a new camera?

So my old camera is old and I'm looking for a new one. At first I was looking at the Panasonic FH25, but then found the Samsung PL210 and Nikon S6200 to be slightly better, plus the Panasonic seems to be out of stock everywhere around here. Also saw the Nikon P500 for a good price (still in the $300 range), when I thought about it I realized I'm not really into photography so probably won't get that.
Opinions anyone?
Anyone have any experience with these that I've mentioned or any cameras you'd want to suggest?
The ones I mentioned are classified as 'ultra zoom' which I guess the type of camera I'm looking for. I'm looking for around $150, no more than $200, consider this if making any new recommendations.

2 answers

Speedlight Flash Canon 580 EX mark II off camera with 5D Mark II?

How could i use 580Ex mark II with 1eos mark II off camera?
I don not have any radio flash, is there any way to use it off camera?
Or with a slave sync or Pre-flash?
I'm a Nikon User and i don not have any info about canon's stuff.

5 answers

Which DSLR is better for amateur photographer?

I want to buy DSLR camera. But I don't know which one should I buy. Nikon or Canon brand is better? I'm still amateur in photography field. Can you all suggest which DSLR model should I buy so that I can use it if I've improve my skill in future.

1 answer

What are some good digital cameras?

I've decided to take up photography and really want a decent camera.No, $1, 000 camera or anything like that, but a few hundred is in my price range. I really like cameras from Sony, Canon, and Nikon, but I'm very lost on which ones are credible and which ones aren't worth the money. A good example of what I want is a Canon Rebel, but even that's a little pricey. Any suggestions on specific cameras or models?

2 answers

New Camera for a safari?

I'm going to Tanzania (East Africa) for 4 weeks this summer. I'll be at a local village, going to cities and on safaris. I'll also be spending a week on the beach. I'd like a digital camera that will be good for taking photos in all of these activities. I don't know much about digital cameras (which are best, most reliable ect.) I'm looking to spend no more than £250. I've been looking at the Nikon L120 which was recommended but i really have no clue. Need a bit of advice please… (sorry this was so long) - Thanks!

1 answer

What's nikon monitor view carbon?

So i noticed everytime my computer starts up this little circle thing with a pattern inside bounces on the end of my program bar at the bottom of my screen (i have a mac) and i scroll over it and it says " Nikon Monitor View Carbon " and then it goes away when my computer loads up. WTF IS IT! My computer is very virusy and I think I have a virus. Is this the cause of it? I definetly didn't download it that I know of.