Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Can i use any brand of lens for my nikon n75?

Or does it just have to be a nikon lens?

2 answers

How to set my Nikon 5100 for park pictures?

I bought a Nikon 5100 online. It's my very first Nikon! Me & boyfriend are planning on going to Scottsdale Civic Center to take pictures. It has a really big red L-O-V-E statue. I want to take soft or the best way to take pictures. We're planning on going in the morning so does anybody know what will be the best settings to take these photos? Please & thank you <3

6 answers

Suggestions for a good SLR camera?

I'm 14 years old and I'm really interested in photography, so for christmas my parents said they will get me an SLR camera. But I don't know which one to get? I heard Nikon cameras are great? Any good suggestions? Oh and it can't be too expensive.

3 answers

What camera is best for night time/building photography?

Preferably a Nikon, i don't really have a budget to stick to, i want to know what sort of camera would be best to take photos at night and photos of skyscrapers/big buildings. If you need any more info then just ask, thanks

6 answers

Nikon vs Canon Quality?

Getting into photography… What camera has a better quality?

1 answer

Why doesn't my camera upload?

Okay so I have the Nikon L130 and it used to upload as normal and then the other day I tried uploading stuff and it attempted to upload and then the green bar got to the middle of uploading and it froze for ages and wouldnt upload. So as i took the cable out the laptop it said 'found 7 photos' well, why wouldnt they upload? I then tried on my computer and they uploaded perfectly.what's happening?:/

4 answers

Nikon vs Canon, which is better?

I'm a beginning photographer on a budget. There are three cameras I'm interested in.

All three are in this link (Sorry, your gonna have to copy and paste)

I know nothing about these cameras,
but they are all under my price range.
Which one is better? I'm not looking
to buy new lenses or anything, so
everything as is. Which one is better?

2 answers

Where can i buy nikon camera?

Where can i buy nikon camera?

2 answers

Want to buy a cable for a nikon camera cool pix c51?

Down load my pix in the camera to the computer

Added (1). THE MODEL # IS S51 NOT C51

2 answers

What lenses should i by for d 5100 by Nikon?

I'm fine with Tamera lenses or just about anything that would fit on to a Nikon body.
so far here is what i'm thinking of.
i will just buy the body then get 200mm lens.
maybe 24-85mm. Any ideas i want a good wide angle too. And know any good fish eye converts