Nikon SLR Cameras
12 answers

What is better for DSLR camera: Nikon or Cannon?

Looking to take up photography. Looking for the pro's or con's of each camera. I'm an entry level photographer.

Liz M
1 answer
Liz M

Which camera is best for my purposes?

I'd like to take take pictures and make some short videos for uploading to Youtube about food. I've been offered a Nikon D-3000 18-55 VR or an Olympus EPM-1. The last time I bought a camera was over 15 years ago and I don't have a clue as to which of the two would be better for my purposes.

Any suggestions?

8 answers

Give me suggestion for buying a new DSLR camera for beginner.please?

Please give me suggestion, for buying a new DSLR camera. I'm a very new and also Ignoramus in photography, But I'm very interested in this work. Very soon i will be buy a DSLR, But my knowledge/experience is very low for buying a camera. What camera is perfect to me as a beginner. [mention Brand name like (nikon, canon, sony, etc ) and model] Please Answer it will be very helpful to me. Thank you.

Added (1). My afford limit is less then 850$ :-)

3 answers

Filmmaking tips? Dslr users?

Hi i'm interested in making short films using my Nikon 3200.i've studied somethings about filmmaking but can anyone give me tips on how to improve acting or filming, camera, lens e.t.c. Not really big budget movies but short documentaries is what i have in mind

3 answers

Are professional digital cameras allowed at NYC comic con?

I'm going to comic con this weekend for the first time and I just want to make sure I can bring my Nikon SLR camera without a press pass

2 answers

Advice on a new photography camera? - 1

I'm looking for a new photography camera and i don't know what to get. I have a Fujifilm finepix s1800 camera but it doesn't cut it anymore. I'm starting more advanced wildlife photography and I need more zoom. I want something that has changeable lenses and great quality pictures. I was thinking maybe Nikon or Canon but i'm not sure what to get. Any suggestions on what to look for. I don't want to spend a ton of money but i do need something better. Please and Thank you for any suggestions.

3 answers

Wich camera bag is better? - 1



3 answers

How many price a nikon camera?

Any kind of nikon camera…

cross country runner
1 answer
cross country runner

Nikon f3 shutter speed dial won't click?

I don't know if i forced it on accident but the shutter speed dial won't click when i turn it. And also if you put it on the B setting which normally holds it open as long as you are holding the button. (as you probably already know) it just takes a photo in a fraction of a second and i assume its a fast setting because i took a picture of an apple free falling and i haven't developed it yet but i didn't miss any of it falling.

please help my photography teacher is not being to helpful and when i tried to show her she said i was just wasting film.
oh and i have a project due tomorrow and i need to finish this roll of film with some blurred shots

Added (1). It doesn't click when i change settings and it isn't the right settings on which ever one it says its on

3 answers

How are people getting photos from their digital camera onto instagram?

I've been seeing photos from people's nikon or canon on instagram and I'm wondering how they did that.