Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

Nikon lens 18-55mm problems?

I didn't use my camera for 2 weeks or more and when i used it, it was working fine till now. I tried taking a picture recently and it was so blurry even if i zoom in to 55 or zoom out all the way to 18. I cleaned the outside of the lens and in the back of the lens and nothing. I reset all my settings in case that was the problem and nothing worked. I tried on a different lens at a store to my camera and the pic came out perfect. Any tips or should i just buy a new one?

1 answer

Is the Nikon 24-85mm f4-5.6 VR weatherproofed?

Is it weather sealed? I mean I won't shoot in the rain, but are they equal to Canon L lenses? Can it can survive a short dash through rain? On a weather sealed body like D600 will it work?

1 answer

Suggest me good Nikon telephoto lenses?

I'm researching to buy a Nikon D600 with the lens kit 24-85 vr, I'm looking for a good telephoto lens too. I'm much more familiar with Canon system and in the topic of tele zooms it is easy, the Canon 70-200 f4 L usm is the best bang for buck lens. Is there anything like it for Nikons?

Amna Riaz
4 answers
Amna Riaz

Which is better? A Nikon or a Canon?

Do Nikon come out clear or Canon? Just tell me in your opinion, what is better Nikon or Canon?

3 answers

Best performing metal-body film SLR?

*Within a reasonable price range* I guess part of it is aesthetic but also, I tend to put my cameras through tough situations, like cramming them into my hiking backpack - so a durable metal SLR would also probably fit my needs best. By 'best performing' I'm asking for the one with the best technical specs, as well as overall use. What I'm worried about is that most mechanical metal-body SLRs seem to be limited to a maximum shutter speed of 1/2000 of a sec but with my experience using my digital Rebel, even 1/4000 isn't 'fast' enough when I'm using my f1.8 lens in sunlight (ISO set to lowest as well), the light meter isn't able to 'balance out' and the pictures overexpose.

Any recommendations? I own an AE-1P but the light seals need to be replaced (possibly other problems as well) and I'd rather upgrade to a better SLR than have this one repaired. I'm not particularly attached to my FD lenses so any brand/model SLR would be fine with me, maybe a Nikon if I'd be able to use the lenses in the event that I buy a DSLR sometime in the future (?).

2 answers

Which SLR camera/s should I look at buying?

So, I'm looking at saving up and purchasing my first (decent) SLR camera! I've previously had a 2 $100 point-and-shoots and my parents' second-hand Fujifilm S5800 (which is getting old and runs out of battery in a matter of minutes). I'm pretty happy with majority of photos my current Pentax Optio RZ18 takes, though I would like to be able to adjust settings (i.e.aperture, ISO etc.)
Ok, so firstly, I'm unsure of whether to go with Nikon or Canon (though I think I'm siding towards Canon). I'm only really a beginner, so I don't need a large, heavy, professional camera quite yet. I'd prefer a light(ish) camera and around AU$1000 (give or take).
Most photos I take are using the macro feature on my camera, so that is a preferred ability!

See some of my photos with current Pentax Optio RZ18 at

dino q
1 answer
dino q

How to replace the zoom grip rubber on a Nikon 24-70mm?

The zoom grip rubber is now starting to get loose. I bought a new one but didn't know how to remove and install. The lens is out of warranty already. If it's easy and doable I'd do it otherwise I might have to go to Nikon and pay extra.

2 answers

Nikon or canon camera pictures of the stars?

I've been taking pictures for awhile now. But i'm young and still have alot to learn. I want to get a bigger more advanced camera, preferably a nikon or canon. I'm not very good with lenses and all yet, so bare with me. I was wondering if they can take good pictures of the stars and the moon? Or would i have to get a special lense for that? And if so what lense?

1 answer

Front facing cameras?

Are there any Canon or Nikon cameras where you can take pictures the normal way but ALSO take pictures facing you? (Like the iPhone)

3 answers

Does my Opteka 6.5mm Fisheye Lens meant for Nikon work for Canon Cameras?

Well i accidentally bought an Opteka 6.5mm fisheye lens for Nikon not knowing that there was a different lens for the two. (I pulled a *** cause i'm out 279 dollars) but i just wanted to know if i would have a problem with putting on the lens to my Canon /:

Added (1). Actually i bought it off of amazon, after it told me that i couldnt purchase it because i had it on my wishlist --- it was a stupid reason to not sell me it, but i went back in a rush to fix my purchase and i chose the wrong one by accident, & i didn't get a return form in the box that it came in, I live like and hour and a half from where they sell them, i could just take the train or something, but if i can save the trip than i will