Nikon SLR Cameras
Yali S
2 answers
Yali S

What kind of material is this plastic?

This camera has a different front plastic material than the usual rub over it and leave a finger print on it plastic. Heres the camera, I don't knw if you can see it from the picture

&w=500&h=373&ei=W_CvULC0BaeujAKlm4GIBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=458&vpy=449&dur=271&hovh=194&hovw=260&tx=107&ty=111&sig=116154188746267936930&page=1&tbnh=127&tbnw=192&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429, r:16, s:0, i:135

But basically this kind of plastic feels smooth kind of like vinyl… And it also doesn't reflect anything… I don't knw what kind of plastic this is!

Added (1). It gives it a kind of an opaque and dull look.

5 answers

Should get rid of my Nikon 18-55mm lens?

I have a Nikon D-3100. I was planning on getting a 55-200mm A-FS but I need a bit of more cash to get it, I could trade in my 18-55mm that comes with the camera so I can afford it. Should I go ahead and do that, or should I wait a bit more until I get more money?

Ben McLean
3 answers
Ben McLean

I'm using my Nikon F70 (35ml film camera) and I want to take a continuous fast shot?

I'm using my Nikon F70 (35ml film camera) and I want to take a continuous fast shot… I have been playing around with it and researching and have found that if i make the shutter speed faster it will obviously shoot faster! But as the shutter will be open for a shorter time there will be less light for the camera so i'm wondering if i need to lower the aperture and make the aperture "whole" bigger so more light goes in? I just need some guidance on the whole issue… I have it current set on a shot speed of 100/1 so 100th of a second and it shoots fast! I'm just wondering what the aperture should be at and whether it would get good photos? Any advice on the matter would help lots! Thansk

2 answers

Where can I buy Nikon lenses in Connecticut?

I already know some good websites but I'm looking for a physical store location other than Best Buy.

4 answers

Since Ashton Kutcher comes across as dumb as a rock?

And is a total Dbag, is it really a smart move for Nikon to use him in their commercials? It makes me want a Canon, jus sayin

Added (1). Good point unknowing. I totally forgot about Maria. Might be time for a Pentax as I've already been a Nikon and Canon user

9 answers

What's a really good camera that takes professional pictures?

I may sound really dumb for asking this, but is there like a Nikon camera or something like that that takes good pictures, that's not too expensive?

3 answers

Nikon 5100 How to Zoom?

We just bought a Nikon 5100 and can't figure out the zoom. We know how to manually turn the lens to zoom in, but it doesn't make the object close at all. My old camera zoomed in much closer. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any help.

Added (1). Thankfully, it wasn't $800. We got it for our kids at sporting and school events. The salesman completely misrepresented it, I guess. I told him we needed something that would make the kids appear much closer to us than my old camera.

Malik Manning
2 answers
Malik Manning

Canon dslrs vs Nikon dslrs in regard to picture quality and lens prices?

I've heard from a professional photography that Nikon is better for picture quality and Canon has a sensor that is faster at proccesing images; particularly useful for videos. Could anyone give any informatIon as to which direction I should go?

5 answers

Great camera to record concert?

So I'm going to a Justin Bieber concert and i got some sucky seats like all the way in the back on the lower arena level. So I'm looking for a really good camera that has AWESOME ZOOM and can handle the noise without sounding bad. I don't have a limit Please help!
Also would a Nikon j1, j1, or v1 be any good to use to record the concert?

3 answers

Which mid-level dslr to buy? - 1

So I'm having trouble deciding what DSLR I want to buy. I've taken plenty of photography classes, and read plenty of books and used plenty of DSLR's for events, classes & more. But I'm ready for a step-up from an entry level DSLR. I enjoy taking portraits and shooting mainly people, events, and occasionally landscapes. I want to buy my first DSLR. Every other DSLR I've used was school owned, or a friend's. But I have plenty of knowledge. I know I want a camera that works pretty well in low light. I would like faster burst mode rates- I don't care for any of the extras like swiveling lcd's or any of that. I want it to have a decent battery life. Full HD video is preferred, resolution is kind of a big buying point as I will be printing and enlarging photos and would like them to turn out crisp, not softened or blurred at all. Basically I would like suggestions on any mid-level DSLR's from Nikon, Canon, or Sony. Please share experiences with your own mid-level dslr's if you can! Pricing doesn't matter.