Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

What camera was this advert showing, and where to buy it from?

I know it was a type of Nikon advert, and the young girl, gets off a train and takes these pictures, and then uses something called smart link to get the picture onto a Galaxy tab (Which apparently you get free with the camera)

Anyone know what camera this is and a link?

1 answer

How to go about getting images screen printed on shirts?

I'm starting my own clothing line and I want images that I take with my Nikon and edit on the computer to be screen printed on a bulk order of shirts. I did a bit of research and it seems that I have to create the images on Photoshop using certain color methods etc. However I don't have photoshop and am not familiar with using it if I had access to it. Is there any other way I can print out the image I want and take it to a screen printing shop to make the shirts? Please let me know!

(images or text like

2 answers

What Camera? -important?

I'm 14 and very good at taking picture, and not off me in the mirror making duck faceā€¦
I love photography and I'm going to be taking pictures of horses and their riders at the stable I ride at(also I'm taking my family Christmas photos) I have a Nikon Cool pix and it works pretty good and I've had it for a year now but my parents picked it out and that wasn't the one I wanted so for Christmas I'm going to ask my parents for another camera. I want a good brand that's reliable and lasts a long time, one that takes pictures quickly and you can twist the lense for fast zoom and stuff, and under $200 if possible(we don't have much money for Christmas this year)
thank you xoxo -C

Added (1). Thanks Basement Cat, sorry, lol I didn't even check that, my friend spilled juice on my computer a month ago and If I don't press really hard on some of the keys it won't type anything and others will type double: P haha. That camera looks good, i'm probably going to ask for that one.

2 answers

Best Nikon zoom lens for a lower budget?

I currently own the 35mm 1.8 on a crop sensor camera, so its actually more like 50mm. I need a lens that compliments it. I also own the kit lens. I need a zoom for quicker photography of wildlife.

4 answers

Nikon 1 or Sony NEX 5 or 7?

I want to get one of these cameras. I already have a Nikon 5100 DSLR, but I want to which is better a Nikon 1 or Sony NEX.

I want to know the pros and cons!

4 answers

I shot a puppy multiple times?

Using a Nikon DLX camera. This particular model is used for sports. Will the pictures come out ok or should I use a regular digital camera? Also, what kind of frame should I use?

4 answers

What kind of Camera Brand is best?

I'm getting more & more into PHOTOGRAPHY & i'm looking for a camera to buy.
What would you guys recommend?
- Looking for a camera that takes good quality pictures.
I heard Nikon was pretty good, is this true?
Someone please help.

3 answers

Beats by dr dre or or a professional camera?

I have a choice of getting solo beats or nikon D 3100 pro camera. They are both expensive even if they go on sale for black friday but i want to know which one if worth the money. I don't want to buy beats and then have them break after a few months. I'm a casual camera user i don't do it for a class at school or anything just for fun. Which one should i get?

3 answers

Is the Nikon 1 J2 Camera a good fit?

I'm looking to get a new digital camera but am not sure if the Nikon 1 J2 will be a good fit. I want to be able to have the manual control that I see in DSLR's but am not sure if the J2 is similar or the same in the sense that I can manually control as much as I could If I just got a DSLR.

I'm interested in portraits, micro shots, landscapes, wildlife. Also not sure about filters, can I use them with the J2?

5 answers

Why are people so against teens with cameras? - 1

That's where it mostly blew up.
But i'm just wondering why people are so uppity about them taking picture with a Nikon or whatever. Like if they want to experiment with a hobby of photography, who's to judge? Maybe they feel better when they post their pictures to instagram with a clever caption and get 'likes' it's just whatever. What's with all the hate?