Nikon SLR Cameras
8 answers

Nikon or Canon? For video?

OK I'm on budget but I want to buy a digital camera today for Cyber Monday. I don't want to spend more that 3, 000. I want a camera that has really good video resolution. I'm clueless for what to look for… I was looking at these two cameras but I still don't know what can be better to make small music videos. Help.

Nikon D600 24-Megapixel DSLR Camera

Canon EOS 5D Mark II - 21 Megapixel Digital SLR

2 answers

Someone who knows about cameras

Please help! I'm going to buy a nice digital camera but I know nothing about them, from my research I'm thinking a canon is the best brand or maybe even a Nikon? I want something that can take really good professional type pictures but only want to spend a couple hundred dollars, what type of camera should I get? Also is it better to buy it brand new or would it be ok to buy a used one from eBay?

Edwin Ong
3 answers
Edwin Ong

Please explain what 'can shoot raw'means

Are Sony cameras particularly sony alpha, lags behind nikon or canon cameras? Can i hear your opinion?

Sarah Smith
4 answers
Sarah Smith

Is any of this photography gear worth anything?


So my mum knows someone know works at the dump.
Recently he bought her a whole box of photography equipment to give to me.
I've had a very quick google but don't have time to do a proper search. Is any of this stuff useful?
Particularly, can any of it be used and/or used for film making? Ie, the light meter?

Here is the list:
Minolta X-300 SLR

· Minolta 100 - 200 mm zoom lens

· Minolta 35 - 70 mm lens

· Minolta autoflash/light meter

· Ricoh TLS 401 SLR

· Raynox 5.6 - 300 tele lens

· Weltblick 45 - 135mm auto zoom lens

· Nikon

· RMC Tokina 35 - 70 mm lens

· Weiton 28mm lens

· Topman TV-3230 tripod

I understand most of it will be junk but I'm wondering if there's any gems in there? Apparently there's more as well.

2 answers

Which would be the best digital camera or camcorder to record classical music?

I'm trying to get ideas on which would be the best option to record classical music (small ensembles). Some people have suggested Sony bloggie or something similar from Kodak, but I'm not sure. While browsing through some cameras at bestbuy I found the Nikon J1, and the image is very sharp, but I couldn't record anything, so, still don't know! I would like to stay under $500. If someone could recommend a camcorder, digital camera or mic that would do a decent job, it will be highly appreciated!

Michael Larson
2 answers
Michael Larson

How to keep polycarbonate lenses clean?

No matter how hard i try they get so dirty so quick. They weren't cheap lenses either they were 200$. I clean them with the cleaning cloth they give me i still can't get them clean 100%. I run them under water and clean them but then they get dirty immediately. And they take forever to clean. I used to have nikon glass lenses and they cleaned up like a charm, run them under hot water and wipe them off and they were good. Any ideas

2 answers

How to get chrispy pictures in low light with Nikon J1?

Whenever i take pictures with my Nikon J1 in low light, they always end up kindof blurry. For and example, i was taking a picture of my sister and my cat by the fire, and i turned out blurry, even though there was afternoon light.
Do I really have to use a tripod all the time, or can i use some other settings? I'm kinda new with this, and i have'nt changed any of the standard settings on the camera.
I love taking pictures in the evening and night (especially the night sky) so any help will be very appreciated, Thanks: D

1 answer

Best budget AF (autofocus) film SLR? - 1

I'm looking for a film SLR that has an autofocus feature.

Preferably by Nikon or Canon and within a budget of USD $250, of course this would mean I'd buy it in secondhand condition.

Any suggestions?

3 answers

Ideal wide aperture lens for indoor parties, baptism or wedding for Nikon?

Ideal wide aperture lens for indoor parties, baptism or wedding for Nikon? List your suggestions.

2 answers

Nikon View NX2 installation taking a long time?

It still says "installing" but it's been about an hour. Is this normal for photo editing programs? It's the first I've installed.