Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

Camera experts gather here?

Ok so I have a nice Nikon Af N2020 film camera and my father recently gave it to me. Well just now when we opened the battery compartment and cleaned out the dust and replaced the AAA bateries with new ones, the red LED indicator lamp started flashing, about 15 times. What does it mean and how do I fix this?

2 answers

I'm trynna buy a camera, and needs to know which is the better brand to buy?

I'm trynna buy a nice cute reasonable camera for my gurlfriend. Something simple, something that she could take some nicw picz with. I would like to know which is the better brand to get. Canon or Nikon? Someone please help!

4 answers

What Brand of Digital cameras Are The Best?

For zoom, quality, and durability. From 90-160$ No photographer cameras, I mean just nice plane digital cameras. I got a Nikon for Christmas and 6 months later it broke. I don't want another Nikon. I just really like taking pictures please help.

Added (1). Preferably cameras that fit in your hand, and are thin, but not to small.

1 answer

Best SLR digital camera?

I'm planning to buy my own new slr digital camera… I really like Nikon, but I want your opinions. Nikon or Canon? Sony? If Nikon is the best, then tell me why. What's the best slr digital camera to buy? If you own your Canon or Nikon and you really like it, then tell me too! Some people said Canon is the best… And others say no, Nikon is the best! Eh?

3 answers

Is their anyway 2 get pictures onto your computer without a usb cable?

Is their anyway 2 get pictures onto your computer without a usb cable I was at one of my friends house and they took a picture with their camera and it uploaded 2 his computer and he didn't even plug it in or anything
Can I do this I have a Nikon cool pixs camera

4 answers

Can Sony break into the DSLR market?

Any opinions?

At some point, do you think Sony will become a viable competitor to Canon and Nikon? Since those two are the big ones.

5 answers

I would like to know your opinion: Nikon or Canon? And why? Can't decide which?

Also, please list any cameras that you find very good, just for photography that are Canon or Nikon.

Paul Jacobo
2 answers
Paul Jacobo

Is refurbished dslr camera is good?

I'm a starter to a photography. And i want to start in a small cheap but good quality dslr camera. 12mp 14mp where should i start nikon? Canon? Or either of them is good.

nehil s
4 answers
nehil s

Which 10x50 binocular to buy for Amateur star gazing / astronomy?

I'm new to star gazing I have done some initial research for what binocular to buy. I'm convinced that 10x50 porro prism binocular will do great fro me.
Now I'm confused which binocular to buy.
I looked online, I found the following for consideration:
- Olympus 10x50 DPS I
- Nikon Action 10x50 CF
- Kenko Artos 10x50W

Olympus is costing 4.3K, Nikon 7.4K and Kenko for 8.7 K. I researched Olympus is having BAK7 prism that is why it is coming cheap.

My Budget is around 8, 000 Rs (roughly 150$).

I need some expert advice to which binocular to buy. If any other binocular is also good (and in my budget. Please tell me.

I'm living in Pune, India. So please suggest something that is available in Pune (or can be delivered to Pune)

2 answers

How To Get Good Pictures?

I Have a BlackBerry Bold 9900 and the Camera is 5 Mega Pixel, the pictures arent take arent that good, saying its got the secondest best rated camera on phones there not that good i want to be able to take them like this &w=500&h=332&ei=oOu4UIzQC-am0AXOhYCACA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=4&vpy=77&dur=1752&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=172&ty=155&sig=108595850076501951829&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=222&start=0&ndsp=8&ved=1t:429, r:0, s:0, i:81
with that Auto Focus Affect
if you can help