Which 10x50 binocular to buy for Amateur star gazing / astronomy?

I'm new to star gazing I have done some initial research for what binocular to buy. I'm convinced that 10x50 porro prism binocular will do great fro me.
Now I'm confused which binocular to buy.
I looked online, I found the following for consideration:
- Olympus 10x50 DPS I
- Nikon Action 10x50 CF
- Kenko Artos 10x50W
Olympus is costing 4.3K, Nikon 7.4K and Kenko for 8.7 K. I researched Olympus is having BAK7 prism that is why it is coming cheap.
My Budget is around 8, 000 Rs (roughly 150$).
I need some expert advice to which binocular to buy. If any other binocular is also good (and in my budget. Please tell me.
I'm living in Pune, India. So please suggest something that is available in Pune (or can be delivered to Pune)

I have a pair of Nikon Action 10 x 50 binoculars which I use for astronomy and would recommend. Their optics are very good.

The Olympus model are reasonable well regarded, although probably not quite so good as the Nikons. It depends whether you want to pay the extra.

Well, … I'd get the Nikons as my first choice and Olympus as a second choice. Both would be good binoculars although you will probably get better performance form the Nikons.
Don't even consider the Keno's they are a very poor choice.

Nikon is better. Try website tejraj.com in mumbai they sell imported binoculars and will send you by parcel if you make advance payment.