Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Looking to buy a film camera, which is better?

I've always used digital so now I'm looking to move onto film cameras. I've looked at a few and started liking Pentax Spotmatic 35mm, Nikon F3HP 35mm and Nikon FM2 35mm. I'm open to other suggestions and pros and cons about the ones I have listed. I'm really looking to start in film so an overly complex camera isn't really ideal.

5 answers

What are the usual prices for DSLRs on Boxing Day? South London?

Preferably a Nikon or Canon DSLR. Anyone know how low they could go? (Decent MP)

Jazzie Wu
9 answers
Jazzie Wu

How should I feel? Angry, frustrated, etc?

My brother is going on vacation and he has a Canon camera EOS DSLR, miniature Canon camera, and a Lumix Compact Camera. The Canon camera and Lumix Compact Camera are not the best quality but he is going to bring the Lumix one. I have a Nikon J1 Camera, which is compact and relatively good. He just stole the camera from my purse while I was at school and he wants to use it because it is compact and good in his opinion. He didn't even ask me to use it. How should I feel about this?

1 answer

What digital Nikon camera can I use my old SR lenses with?

I'd like to buy a new digital Nikon camera. I have a lot of AF lenses I used with my Nikon SRL? Is there a digital Nikon that will allow me to use my older lenses?

Added (1). Thanks for the information. I'm a hobby photographer, but do have some nice older lenses, including macro 500mm telephoto. I did forgot to include my budget-its below $1500US. The less the better. If possible I'd love to get a camera that includes an option (or whatever its called) that helps with camera shake. I've developed RA and my meds have caused alot of hand shaking.

7 answers

Nikon or Cannon cameras? - 1

I have a Nikon and i like it. Just curious on what you think is better

Added (1). I didn't ask you to correct my spelling…

1 answer

How to upload videos from my Samsung HMX-F80 video camera?

Hi, I got the Samsung HMX-f80 camera for my birthday. I can't figure out how to get them uploaded onto my computer. All that pops up when I plug it in is the virus software I have. I have tried using Kodak & Nikon's software for my digital cameras - no luck. & this did not come with its own software. Any suggestions would be great.

5 answers

What is better a Nikon or a Canon?

Which one has better quality?

Bubble C
5 answers
Bubble C

How does the crop sensor factor in with the lens?

I have a Nikon 35mm lens that I want too use to take portrait shots with. I had read that you are not supposed to use a lens that is less than 50mm because it will distort the face. But since I have a 1.5 crop sensor that makes the lens 75mm; would that get rid of the distortion so I can use the lens with no problem?

2 answers

Nikon FF Lense advice?

Can you please advise me on two lenses for a Nikon Full Frame DSLR:
- A wide angle ( around 17mm - 40mm)
- A Telephoto ( around 70mm - 300mm)
And fairly cheap ones please - nothing over £500

1 answer

How to get best results at night and indoor function with digital camera?

I have Nikon cool pix3300 digital camera, but i really don't knw wht to take best pics, specailly at nigh as well as videos specially indoor photoshoot or video shoot, i tried but finally i turn in on auto mode, this is all i can do?
please help me out. How to adujust it… Specially for indoor events and domestic light.