What type of camera should a begginer get?
I want to get into photography and I don't know what camera to buy or even where to start yet.
Can I put an SLR lens on a DSLR camera? - 1
I have an old SLR camera, with a Sigma lens that does macro, and a Nikon 5200 DSLR. Can I put my SLR lens on the Nikon?
Added (1). The camera itself is a ZX-50 Pentax, and the lens is a 70-300mm Sigma
http://www.dpreview.com/...ony_slta58, I'm making my mind on these cameras, which is better?
Lens for a manual camera?
Added (1). I have a minota srt-102 and would like to try renting a new lens. Would I need a mirrorless lens or would a DSLR lens work? I've never changed the lens before so low price recommendation for a beginer to play with would be great.
Wide angle lens with little distortion?
I have a nikons APS-C dslr d5200, I need recommendation for a good wide angle lens, wider than 18mm, with as little barrel distortion as possible. So what do you suggest?
Will digital slr lenses work on film cameras if you use Manual focus?
Help! I signed up for a Photography class and my Professor wants us to only use film cameras. I bought a Nikon N8008 body on ebay because I thought I could still use all of my nikor lenses for my digital slr and just use manual focus. However my viewfinder will not focus. I don't know if it's because my lenses are only compatible with a digital camera or if there's something wrong with the film camera. To get an idea how blurry it is, I can't get it to focus enough to read numbers on a wall clock 10 feet away. Do I need a spacer possibly?
Screen attachment for Nikon D3300?
Is it possible to purchase a side screen that faces towards you when pointing the camera at yourself that connects maybe via the HDMI or A/V ports on the side?
How much will I have to pay for this camera for customs?
I want to purchase this camera from a Hong Kong based company. I live in the United States. I'm not sure if I will have to pay customs but if I do, how much?
What is a wide angle lens setting and how to get it?
I have a Nikon D and would like to know how to take a wide angle lense shot on a wide angle lens setting, without uding a wide angle lens.
Best astrophotography cameras in 600$ price range?
Cameras that can capture the full beauty of the Mikly Way