Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

Good Nikon or Canon Camera under $1000 with lens?

Hi, I'm new in professional photography, but I'm looking to buy a good camera under 1000$ with good lens preferably. I'm choosing like most of us between Nikon and Canon cameras. More interested in Nikon. Just maybe because most of my friends have canons, just want to be different. Any help will be appreciated.

3 answers
Deniza Al
5 answers
Deniza Al

Which DSLR camera should i choose? - 1

I'm an amateur in photography and i would like to buy my first DSLR and i've got about 600 euros to buy one. My friends say to choose from canon or nikon because they are one of the best but i really don't know what camera should I choose

4 answers

Light painting with film?

I just decided I would break out my old Nikon N65 and shoot off a couple exposures with a roll of Kodak BW400CN film. I want to do a couple light painting shots with this roll, and I've never really done them with a film slr before, only digital. When I take these, I'm thinking about setting the camera to S with about a 2-3 second exposure, but I was wondering about the aperature, can anybody help with some advice?

Crimson Peter
3 answers
Crimson Peter

What is best for connecting digital camera to laptop?

I have a p500 that has hdmi and usb. But it didn't come with hdmi cable, do i have to buy it ffrom nikon or any cable would do

1 answer

How to know if my film camera is any good?

I have a nikon 55 film camera with a 28-80mm lens. What is it worth is it quality?

3 answers

Best manually adjustable digital SLR camera suitable for a college student?

I need a manually adjustable digital SLR camera for college and I was wondering what are the best ones out there or good one to get me started with my very first SLR camera. I really like Nikon but I will get a camera from Cannon also. (those are the two brands that are recommended for when I transfer schools.) But please help my find a great camera for school! Please list the name, a price if possible, & a link if possible.

Chris G
3 answers
Chris G

Camera Lens Selection?

I want to take interior pictures of house rooms that show as much of the room as possible in fairly close or detailed views. I have a digital Nikon 70s camera. What lens would I need to accomplish the photos? Wide angle, macro? What aperture and lens size do you recommend?

Cindy Texmia
3 answers
Cindy Texmia

What Nikon camera is best for high quality filming?

I'm thinking about making a youtube channel & wanted to know what Nikon camera would be best used for film, I want a camera that is $1, 200 at the most. I also wan't to use it for pictures, please help.

13 answers

What to do with 300 dollars? 14 years old?

I'm 14, I have a Macbook Pro, an iPad32GB, an iPod 32GB, a Blackberry, and a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I also have a 600 dollar Nikon camera. & I have a 100 dollar iTunes gift card for my iOS devices, and basically every good game on the app store. I have and a lot of clothes. I recently received 300 dollars for my birthday and I don't know what to buy. I do NOT want to save it because I already have a very large amount of money in the bank and my Dad is going to buy me my first car when I'm 17 whichever one I like. What should I buy? And NO, I do not want stocks.

Added (1). My parents donate thousands of dollars to charity every month. And yes, I'm spoiled. My father is a multimillionaire. I don't see my parents that much. Maybe 2 hours a day. I have a nanny that cares for my little brother, he is 7.