Nikon SLR Cameras
7 answers

How to make my pictures look PROFESSIONAL?

Okay so i have a digital finepix j20 fujifilm camera. I don't have money for a professional nikon camera, is there any setting or button on my camera to make the pictures look better or any web site to edit them to look professional?
please i would love your help!♥

georgia belle
3 answers
georgia belle

What lens for a nikon f60?

I have ordered a nikon f60 and it will be my first slr, and i'm wondering what type of lens to get?
i'm looking for one thats good for a newbie but also takes great pictures. And it would be great if it wasn't that expensive also! I've already heard of the 50mm f/1.8. And can you just use any film, or do you have to buy a certain one?

Isabelle V
2 answers
Isabelle V

How to track stolen devices once you retrieve your old Blackberry's phone number?

My iPod nano, Nikon camera, and Blackberry were all stolen from my bag. In just one sweep, she robbed me of my most valuable possessions. This took place at a high school girl's locker room, and I have yet to find the perpetrator since.

After some explaining, the kind people of MetroPCS we're courteous enough to reveal some vital information. The one who stole my things had deactivated the phone and reactivated it with a new number. Now, I won't disclose the phone number or name online, as I fear things will get out of control. I'm only asking for advice on how to get my stuff back from here. I've called, and from listening to the voice I can definitely tell the owner is a female. The phone is listed under a male's name, which means her male family member is cooperating! Great influence, huh?

Here's the twisted part: They reactivated the phone through the automated service MetroPCS provides. This person had to know my birthday and several personal details to get away with this. I could trust this person and remain completely ignorant over what they did to me.

Please help me get my stuff back. My family is very stressed. We don't have money to replace all the lost items and they had to work to earn them. Whoever this is, she doesn't deserve to take from us this way. Especially if she knows me personally.

Any help or advice will be appreciated. Thank you.

Added (1). I already spoke to the police, they refuse to find the GPS location of the phone. However, after communicating with her some more I managed to find the girls Facebook. Where should I go from here?

4 answers

Camera.or 250 dollars in cash?

Hey guys thanks so much for taking the time to help <3 for my 15th birthday (tomorow) my parents said i could get a camera, the nikon p 500 to be exact and i was so excted because i'm a photography junky and i love ebing creative like that haha but its 400 dollars and i feel kind of guilty taking that much from my family… When i told my parents how i felt they said as an alternative theyd give me 250 dollars in cash to do what ever the hell i wanted. Which is still pretty amazing since my best friends birthdays coming up and id so love to get him and i costumes for comic con for somthing not to mention clothes for school next year… I just i dunno haha i kind of need help deciding any sugestions

5 answers

Tell me everything you know about DSLR cameras?

I'm saving up for my first dSLR camera. I'm serious about photography, and it is time to upgrade! My brother has a sony slr(Don't know exactly what kind) But i do not know much about them. I have been trying to learn as much as I can about them. I plan on getting a nikon or canon. Tell me everything about taking pictures with a SLR camera, to owning one, everything. If you could explain ISO, aperture, etc.anything you know!

Added (1). To everyone saying I should get a book, I plan on getting one later on, no need for rude comments. I asked about Photography Books before but never got any answers, so i thought I would try asking this way.
If you would like to let me know about good beginner photography books, that would be great too!

2 answers

How good is this camera and lens for action photography?

I know youre going to say its not the camera its the photographer, but i need to make sure this shoots good for fast moving objects.

I'm a beginner and i like action photography, like soccer, baseball and skateboarding. Is this a good camera to start off with?

Is this a good lens to begin with for sports?

I have a cousin that plays soccer, one that plays baseball and a good friend that plays football and i would like to start shooting for their games. Is that a good enough setup?(If you recommend a different lens at that price range or maybe just a little more expensive, let me know).

And these are the ones that i really want once i get a higher paying job.

Bill Conway
3 answers
Bill Conway

Point and shoot camera.which one?

I've been looking into buying a point and shoot. I'm a moderate user (I don't use my camera that frequently but when I do, I make good use of it!), and I want something with pretty good to excellent image quality. I was looking at the Canon Elph 300 hs, SX230, and Nikon s9100. Budget is roughly $250

The Elph 300 looks really nice, but I'm wondering whether it would be worth spending more $ to get the sx230 or s9100 even though I'm only a moderate user…

Any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

Added (1). Also, one worry that I have is if I were to purchase something like the elph 300, would it get replaced by a smartphone camera, which are really starting to improve, in the near future?

2 answers

What kind of camera am I looking for?

I really want a camera that can take really clear and nice pictures. Like one of those nikon things. I'm not exactly sure what to look for, help!

Added (1). I guess nothing too expensive but ya know, i'm willing to spend money

6 answers

What are some good DSLRs for beginning photographers?

Nikon and Canon are the best. Canon is most of the time cheaper while Nikon has better quality and features. So what's a good beginning level DSLR for me. Canon or Nikon, doesn't matter. Which company is better?

Nancee lala
3 answers
Nancee lala

What good camera do you guys recommend?

I want to buy either a Cannon or Nikon camera or other cameras you guys recommend because I'm into photography. I will be moving to North Hollywood in January and I want to have a good camera by the time I'm out there. So yea what camera would you guys recommend. I'm on a budget all I could afford is 700. Thank you I greatly appreciate it.

Added (1). Oh and I forgot to add, Its not a regular camera I want a digital SLR camera like for photography photoshoots!