Nikon SLR Cameras

What to do with 300 dollars? 14 years old?


I'm 14, I have a Macbook Pro, an iPad32GB, an iPod 32GB, a Blackberry, and a Samsung Galaxy Tablet. I also have a 600 dollar Nikon camera. & I have a 100 dollar iTunes gift card for my iOS devices, and basically every good game on the app store. I have and a lot of clothes. I recently received 300 dollars for my birthday and I don't know what to buy. I do NOT want to save it because I already have a very large amount of money in the bank and my Dad is going to buy me my first car when I'm 17 whichever one I like. What should I buy? And NO, I do not want stocks.

Added (1). My parents donate thousands of dollars to charity every month. And yes, I'm spoiled. My father is a multimillionaire. I don't see my parents that much. Maybe 2 hours a day. I have a nanny that cares for my little brother, he is 7.


Learn the ways of xbox my young one


You poor thing, I think you should either throw it out or donate it to someone who actually needs it.


Donate to a Animal Shelter or a Charity.


Give them to me?

Curious in Seattle
Curious in Seattle

Take someone special out to dinner and then give the rest to charity. Happy birthday!


Might aswell buy 300 lottery tickets since you already got everything. Worth a shot ain't it?


Invest is for smart people lol and whatever you want, go out with your mates and have a laugh, paintball, treat mates to the cinima or take a girl out or even buy a pet


Beats by dr.dre!

zak r
zak r

Use it to party and splurge it on entertaining yourself or buy your girlfriend or boyfriend a gift instead.


Buy an expensive comic then go up to a comic geek and set it on fire.worst case scenario? He goes crazy like the guy on The Shinning.


You sound very spoiled. Maybe you should give it to a charity of your choice.

Joe Mcfall
Joe Mcfall

I think you should hang with the guys, have some fun, get a skateboard and go to the skate park, i'm not gonna say your spoiled cause u admitted it, good job, 300 bucks could get you just a good xbox, id say don't waste your life with games, i have reasons for games, but if your rich then use it, but 300 bucks, go out and have fun, and take pics with tht nice camera of urs, have fun, the memories are worth much more then any object could give you

Jason Robinson
Jason Robinson

Go for a used BMW, or Mercedes. Used ones can be found under 10k and keep on running and running for hundreds of thousands of miles.