Nikon SLR Cameras
6 answers

Best digital camera among these three, sony, nikon or canon?

Which one is best among these three cameras? By quality, by color acuracy and over all good camera? Er all good camera?

Seph Mal
3 answers
Seph Mal

Looking for a camera? - 1

So, I want to buy a camera. Not a $1, 000 camera but something with good focus and something that takes sharp/clear photos like a Nikon or a Canon. My budget is anything under that. A good SLR Camera suggestion could be helpful.

2 answers

Good fisheye lens for reasonable price for nikon D-40?

I can't spend 900 dollars on the nikon fisheye lens.

2 answers


I'm a student with a Sony A200 DSLR Camera.
I'm looking for a cheap/er Fish-eye Lens that will fit my kit? Because there's no way in hell I can afford the one from Sony. Its around $1, 499. (AUD)
I use my camera all the time, but not for major tasks so the lens doesn't have to be industry standard just not cheap Ebay rubbish.
Even if you know any other brands that will fit, like a Nikon or maybe a Canon that will fit?
I only really don't want to spend more then $200 (AUD).
Thanks for your help! (:

Added (1). *** I want a CIRCULAR FISH-EYE, didn't know there was a difference but apparently so.

lost Man
5 answers
lost Man

Best value SLR Digital Camera?

I'm wanting to purchase a SONY or Nikon SLR Camera but I'm not which brand is better. I'm not a professional so cameras that are over $550 are out of my league.

Do you know any good SLR camera that are very good and are below $550? It doesn't matter if it's SONY or Nikon but preferably those brands. (I heard Sony is very nice)

Salma Syed
2 answers
Salma Syed

How to know what model of Digital SLR camera to buy?

I'm going to get a Digital SLR camera for my birthday, but there are so many different models! I want a Nikon, and it has to have recording and picture options, good quality, manual focusing, ect. Basically the main functions of SLR cameras. I don't want it to be too expensive, but also not so inexpensive that there's poor quality or not enough features. I take some photography and I would like to use it for that.

3 answers

Where can I find a charger for my camera in the Queenstown area?

I'm here on vacation, and of course I had to forget the charger to my Nikon camera at home. Could anyone recommend a place where I can purchase one?

2 answers
5 answers

I'm 12.i am looking to buy a digital SLR camera from nikon?

The thing is, it takes me a while to get money. 3 dollars a week only IF i do my chores isn't going to get me 300-900 dollars any time soon. Please help me with witch camera to get, and good ways to get money. And don't say babysitting! I'm 12 remember AND i love photography, and i'm good too.

2 answers

Camera purchase advice?

Hi - looking for opinions about DGSLR cameras. I'm looking to invest in a new camera and the more I read reviews the more confused I'm. So I'm looking for objective opinions about canon & nikon cameras, Looking to spend about about 1k including glass. Perhaps you have already made the jump and have an opinion? Suggestions?