Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm 12.i am looking to buy a digital SLR camera from nikon?


The thing is, it takes me a while to get money. 3 dollars a week only IF i do my chores isn't going to get me 300-900 dollars any time soon. Please help me with witch camera to get, and good ways to get money. And don't say babysitting! I'm 12 remember AND i love photography, and i'm good too.


Ok you really don't need that much camera, you literally won't understand half of the functions. It's difficult for most adults to comprehend things such as shutter speed, f-stops, exposure, and all of the other things you would buy an SLR for, and I hate to be mean, but a 12 year old Can't handle that much camera. My advice to you is to buy a good camera that isn't SLR, and then when you get older and get a job, save up and buy a great SLR! And also, if you don't wanna babysit, there are no jobs for 12 year olds haha.


Unless you need switchable lenses and the control over Speed and aperture, you're best bet is to stick with a point and shoot (and there are some good ones) and learn to take photos (not snapshots). Photography is more than the equipment, it's about learning how light affects things, how to frame shots, how to get creative angles… And you can develop those skills on a $100 camera.

As for a dSLR, a Nikon 3100 or a Canon T3 are both good bets, but you're looking at $450-500 for a basic setup and closer to $700 if you get a zoom. There's nothing wrong with those (I have a $3000 Canon setup), but don't think you have to have that to take good photos. Look at the Nikon CoolPix or Canon Powershots. Otherwise, I don't have any good ideas on how to come up with $600 quickly.


Worry about getting the money first before looking at your options.

assuming everything goes right and you right now have zero dollars, you can save up $500 in 3.5 years

in that time, the current generation will have been replaced twice.

the current models from nikon are the D3000 ($500), D3100 ($650), and D5100 ($850)


Well hello. I was 13 when I bought my first DSLR witch was a NIKON D3100. Really that is all you need at that age and mine has served me well. When you say good how good do you mean. Do you mean you know all the technical stuff like shutter speed, aperture, ISO, metering or do you mean I'm good at taking pictures in auto. If you by a D3100 like I did I already knew all the technical stuff. If you are willing tonged a DSLR from NIKON get the D3100 and that is all you will need for a long time. If that is out of budget get the D3000.

If you don't know all the technical stuff I would highly recommend getting a Canon S95 compact (point and shoot).It has a detailed manual and can teach you all the technical stuff in that little camera body.

So basically if your ready with the knowledge and the enthusiasm like I was get a D3100/D3000 there's no point in investing higher at 12. If you aren't that ready with all the technical terms get a Canon S95 point and shoot.

Ways of getting money. If you get pocket money or an allowance just save up because there's no rush because your still in school. You could ask for money on your birthday towards a camera to add to that.

Hope this helps James


first, this deal will take eternity.change the deal
secondly, iReallyhate nikon. Get the canon t2i or the t3i or the 60d. But if you like nikon then get the d5100.