Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

What's the name of this nikon camera (picture)?

Here's the link. Also the features, when this cam came out

4 answers

What would be the best digital (bridge) point and shoot camera for a ameture photographer?

I'm just 1 year old at photography. So need a bridge camera (high end) but my budget is about 15000. Don't want to spend more on this. I need a camera which has atleast 20x zoom, manual control, manual focus (not necessary), good night performance, and faster image prossesor. I have some choices nikon L120, fujifilm s3300, fujifilm 4000. But confuse. They all have some bad reviews. Don't want to be a fool buying this. Need some more option chose for.

Is fujifilm a good lens maker? I mean how fujinon lenses are? I never use one so bit confused.

3 answers

Why does my Nikon 3100 Instruction Guide say to use a 5' usb cable?

The instruction guide says if you are using a "third party usb cable" to use a five foot cord, and attach the smaller of the two supplied ferrite cores. I already have a usb cable that is about two feet long to use, and it has a little knobby thing near the small end that looks like the supplied ferrite cores. Would it be a bad idea to use this cable to transfer my pictures from the camera to the computer? And what does it mean when it says "third party usb cable"?

2 answers

Is the Canon EOS 60D a decent beginners camera?

I'm about to get a DSLR, and I believe I've narrowed it down to the Canon EOS 60D. I really want to try out HDR as a hobby. I don't plan to make any money on this, strictly hobby, so I won't spend a couple thousand on the body alone.

From what I've seen I can get the 60D for $900-$1200, maybe a little less. From what I've read, it's one of the better "consumer" (aka, non-professional) cameras.

Anyone have experience with this model? Does it do HDR fairly easy? I've seen a lot of photographers use Nikon; any reason?

2 answers

Which Nikon bodies can use AF-S lens?

I currently own a body that requires AF-S lens' which are a tad bit more expensive. Which makes since, my body doesn't have the silent wave motor that the "better" bodies that don't require the -S, so I understand the price difference. What I'm struggling with is should I start investing in AF-S lens? Will they grow with me when I want a new body? Or should I forgo my body now and upgrade to a body that uses only AF lens, which I know will continue onto the big boys!

6 answers

What camera is amazing for the money and for semi-professional photography?

If I wanted to try and start doing some semi-professional photography, and I only have $600 maximum to spend on a camera and whatnot.what's the best to go with? Nikon? Canon? What specs?
The more information you can offer, the more grateful I would feel.

4 answers

Do all nikon cameras have slow shooting speed?

I was playing with different Nikon cameras and it seems after you take a picture it pauses for quite some time. I like Nikons for other features and ease of use but this part annoys me. Is this a function that can be adjusted? I need a new camera($150-175) and had a Canon previosly. Any other product recommendations?

11 answers

Which brand is better. Nikon or Canon?

Like, which camera brand?

4 answers

Digital camera problems?

I have a nikon digital camera, forgot the exact name of it but its a nikon. Anyway, anytime i go to a concert, i charge the batteries up, but about 10 mins into the concert the camera dies, obviously to do with the batteries, this is really frustrating, could anyway suggest something?

1 answer

Problems taking pictures with my Nikon F-401x?

When i try take a picture, the lens focuses but the LED light blinks and i can't take a picture.i've put in new batteries, rewound the film but still NOTHING. What do i doo?

please please help me:'( it's my favourite camera