Nikon SLR Cameras

Digital camera problems?


I have a nikon digital camera, forgot the exact name of it but its a nikon. Anyway, anytime i go to a concert, i charge the batteries up, but about 10 mins into the concert the camera dies, obviously to do with the batteries, this is really frustrating, could anyway suggest something?

ray b
ray b

Presumably, it's not just at concerts that this happens? Rechargeable batteries have a limited life. Sounds like yours have reached the end. Get some new ones.


Rechargeable batteries have a shelf life and will need replacing after a while as they will not fully charge.


It's not the batteries - IT'S THE CAMERA! These thing eat batteries like you wouldn't believe, even the good batteries. They are useless for videos. And for practically everything else!

General Knowledge
General Knowledge

Your Nikon rechargeable battery has been recharged too many times so it no longer holds the full charge but dies in 10 minutes. Just buy yourself new batteries and the problem will disappear.