Nikon SLR Cameras
i need answers!
2 answers
i need answers!

Camera advice? Good camera to go to Africa?

I'm going to Africa in the spring for a volunteer program and I need too buy a new camera for the trip. My criteria are:
-something small, and relatively compact so that it doesn't weight me down when I'm trekking everywhere
-something with great zoom. I will be volunteering with wildlife so I want to have to capability to zoom on something far away so zoom better than you standard camera is required
-something that snaps pictures quite quickly to capture the moment, a and fast than digital cameras (they are so slow)
-something cute…

I was looking at the Nikon J1 but my understanding is that the pixels is low and so the quality of the picture isn't as good as it could be. Also the lens it comes with doesn't have great zoom so another lens would be required and it was huge. However, if you have different opinions on that camera, please share them. If you know of other cameras that would be good options, share that too!

Luna Lovegood
2 answers
Luna Lovegood

Good camera for gigs?

So i go to a lot of gigs and i like taking photos, but the gigs i go to are typically smaller one and the lightning is always terrible, or even at the o2 i'm to far away, i have a samsun WP10 and its terrible,

i was thinking of getting a nikon, i want something around £200 (i'll pay a little over i guess) with a good zoom, something not to huge and obvlsy capable of taking good photos at gigs, and i was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions, or what i should look for… Thanks.

3 answers

What's better for a short movie?

A canon Hv 40 or a DSLR (canon or nikon) ?

Pablo Mujica
6 answers
Pablo Mujica

I'm new in photography, which brand should I go?

I'm new into photography and I would like to know which brand should I go with, Canon or Nikon? Why? I'm looking for my first DSLR camera but do not know which way to go?

2 answers

Where to buy a high-quality camera for $200-$300 from Nikon/Canon?

I want a camera, preferably a Nikon, that you can flip out the screen and it can zoom really far and have amazing quality. Also, it has to have recording option.

3 answers

Christmas list ideas for a teenage girl?

I'm 14 year old girl and my mom wants me to come up with a Christmas list. There isn't much that I want this year, and I'm at a loss of what to ask for. I don't want to come off as spoiled or that I want a lot of gifts, but I probably won't get most of what I ask for anyway. I run track, play volleyball and tennis, and I wear makeup (but not a lot). I love photography and music. I already have a cell phone, an iPod, a laptop, and a camera. I have a Nikon camera that I could give my little sister (she's been dying to get a camera too and mine is great for people who are starting out with photography) so maybe I should ask for a Canon? I've heard they are better. So far, my list includes clothes, a few books, and a $100 donation to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. There isn't really a specific budget… But obviously nothing outrageously expensive.

3 answers

Best Lens for Up Close Shots?

What CANON and NIKON lens would be the best for taking pictures of people, flowers, walls, cars…

for under 200 american dollars

Emma Wilson
4 answers
Emma Wilson

Nikon or Canon camera? - 2

What's your opinion?

3 answers

Are there any video editors/makers for windows?

I record videos on my nikon camera but windows movie maker does not support MOV files…

4 answers

Is a digital camera or a camera with film better?

I'm the photographer at my high school and my teacher wants me to get more used to using other cameras. For christmas i want a camera but am stumped on what kind. I don't really know much about different types but i have a Nikon digital camera right now. I always wanted a film camera, i have herd they take more clear photos and are better looking, and i'm in love with taking photos. So what is better? Digital or film? And what kind should i get? I'm stumped and don't know what to do.