Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

HD Digital Cameras & Sound Recording?

I'm looking for a HD digital camera to use at a convention I'm going to next year, as well as general outings like concerts and events.
My main priority is the sound quality. I bought a HD mini camera two years ago as a last-minute thing before a holiday, only to realize while away that the sound became unintelligibly muffled if it was any louder than speaking volume. Obviously, if I'm recording concerts and loud, over-the-mic speeches I'm going to need a camera that can record sound at a high quality.

I've been looking at a Nikon P500, mainly because it's in my price range and a friend recommended it, but she hasn't ever used it at a loud event to let me know what the sound is like.

Does anyone have any advice on what I should get? I'm also willing to get a HD camera and attach a recording add-on, which I've seen done, but remember that I have to be able to carry both camera and attachment around in my handbag.
My price range is roughly $500AUD, but I'd still like to hear any recommendations of cameras up to maybe 800$

2 answers

Does the Nikon 1 have selective color or color sketch?

Always been fasinated by the pictures that are black and white except for one color and i just got The "Nikon 1" as a christmas gift. I haven't had time to look so i'm hoping someone out there could help me! Its okay if it doesn't i have programs that i can change it to that but i'd be nice if it did. And if you could tell me some features about it that'd be great!

2 answers

Can i buy camera from this site?

Dear Photographers and Photography Lovers, my brother just started photography business. And would like to but a Nikon DSLR camera from this website because they providing discounts. Can we buy the camera from this wesite

4 answers

Will I need an adapter?

I just ordered a Nikon 55-300 lens for my Canon T2i and I'm not sure if the lens will fit the body of the camera. Will it need an adapter? And if so, what would be the best and cheapest one to get?

1 answer

Best digital camera for a beginner?

I want a good camera to take photo and videos with my friends, with. I really like Nikon and Canon but will settle for Fugi Film because of the price. I need something under $500, like a dslr or point and shoot for a beginner. Ideas?

4 answers

What's the difference between the Nikon D3000-D3100?

What's the difference between the Nikon D3000-D3100?

Added (1). Can you explain the different features please?

2 answers

What would be a good lens to ask for, for Christmas?

Anyone who is a photographer/camera buff/has any knowledge/experience in this field, this is a question for you!

I own a Nikon FM-10 35 mm Film camera. I have had this camera for about two years now. I'm not serious about photography in the sense that I plan on having a career in it or anything, but it is a hobby of mine. I mostly take pictures of people (portraits) and of scenery (like when I go on vacations). I would like to get a more updated lens but I don't really know what to look for. Can anyone help me?

Daniel Potter
4 answers
Daniel Potter

Nikon D80-How to take pictures with Christmas lights?

Some friends and I are going to see the lights at Disneyland and we want to get pictures with the holiday lights but in past years we haven't had luck with the flash and the photos haven't turned out well. Any suggestions?

4 answers

How does Sony, being relatively new to DSLRs, compare to Canon and Nikon?

How does Sony, being relatively new to DSLRs, compare to Canon and Nikon?

4 answers

A good professional camera? - 1

I want a professional camera for my sixteenth birthday/ Christmas present. However I want to find a camera that ranges $200-$700. I prefer Nikon or Canon.