Nikon SLR Cameras
EmMaLyy 3
2 answers
EmMaLyy 3

Is a Nikon N6006 any good?

Haha, you're probably thinking wtf?
but seriously, My dad bought one 17years ago and he doesn't use it. He wants to give it to me so what the hey right?
does it take good pictures?!

3 answers

How much is a Nikon FG camera worth?

I have a Nikon FG camera with a 50mm 1:1.8 Nikon Lens series E in great condition. Its a black one. Just wondering how much its worth?

4 answers

Why the commercials of cannon and nikon are low class in india compared to sony cybershot?

Why the commercials of cannon and nikon are low class in india compared to sony cybershot?

1 answer

Video lighting query?

Okay, I'm no professional when it comes to film I'll list my equipment I use when shooting Youtube videos:
Nikon L110 + Tripod
2x high power work lights

As I mentioned, I make Youtube videos and always try and vary my lighting when making videos and I saw a video by Charlie McDonnell where he used some interesting, gloomy lighting and I just wanted to see how he managed it.

Here's the video:

Any help would be appreciated.

5 answers

A CANON or PENTAX camera?

Moving up from the mobile phone camera to something more equipped for the every day, every moment, any setting, any occasion style camera. I have been wanting to get into professional photography for awhile now and I'm very passionate and looking for a great camera. I have already knocked out Nikon off of my list and heard plenty good rumors about Canon and Pentax but I'm not sure which one would be best? I'm an outdoor photographer and would like something to meet any occasion photography, whether it be a wedding, graduation or guest speaker photos to hobby, weekend traveler, outdoor photos. How about all you professional, experienced photographers?

2 answers

Java 'Hangman' programming homework

I'm doing a java homework program where you have 20 random words and it randomly chooses 1 of the twenty, after that you have to guess the word hangman style (with 10 lives), and assuming the word is Telephone it would first appear like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and say you enter in a guess "e", it would become _ e _ e _ _ _ _ e and then guess "t", t e _ e _ _ _ _ e, this is suspose to be using simple console programming. From what i have done so far the program runs once and won't work a second time if i loop it again.

Here's the code i have done so far

import hsa.*;
import java.util.Random;

public class Whatistheword {
public static void main(String[] args){
Console con = new Console ();

String mword="";
String guess="";
Random r = new Random();
int length;
int count=0;
int intx1=0;
int intx2=1;
String check;
int letter=0;
int life = 10;
int check2 = 0;

con.println ("Welcome to the 'What is the Word?' Game");
pause (1000);

// Array of 20 words & chooses one of the twenty
String[] listOfWords = {"IpodTouch","Blackberry","Apple","Samsu…
int randint = r.nextInt(listOfWords.length);
mword = listOfWords[randint];

// so i know what the word is to test
con.println("The Random word is: "+mword);
length = mword.length();
con.println (mword);
con.println (length);

con.println ("Guess a letter for the word!");
guess = con.readLine();
// runs to check letters individually
while (count ≠ length){

count = count + 1;
check = mword.substring(intx1, intx2);
intx1 = intx1 + 1;
intx2 = intx2 + 1;
if (guess.equalsIgnoreCase(check. {
letter = letter + 1;
con.print (guess);
// prints this if letter wasn't guessed
}else {

con.print (" _ ");


public static void pause(int intMS){
}catch(InterruptedException e){

5 answers

F/2.5 for Night Landscape photography? How to bring distant subjects in focus?


According to the EXIF of the picture in the link (click the web link above) the aperture is f/2.5. How the photographer was able to get distant objects (buildings etc.) into perfect focus at f/2.5, were DOF would be very very shallow.

3 answers

What is the difference between 'Multiple Exposures' and 'HDR'?

I'm using Nikon, I know that Multiple Exposures means on the same frame, but HDR means multiple shots at different exposures combined in one frame. Is there any significance differences in the results between the two?

5 answers

What is the cheapest professianal camera price?

I want a professinal camera So bad! But i don't want to waste to much money. I want one from either nikon or canon. Can you Please tell me the price and the name of the professianal camera a good quality!

3 answers

Does the Canon PowerShot ELPH 110 HS takes good pictures?

I really want to buy a small camera that takes good photos and videos, like those big professionnal ones. My budget is 300$ and I would like it to be a Canon or a Nikon.