Nikon SLR Cameras
Shorty G
1 answer
Shorty G

How to blog from my ipad on blogspot?

I want to start blogging but unfortunatly my laptop broke down and dosnt work anymore
All you got left is my ipad & i dnt think i will be buying one soon…

But yea i started a blog it will be everything beauty & my life…

So my question is for all you bloggers out there how do you blog? Do you HAVE to do it
From a computer? I will be adding lots of pictures to my blog from my camera nikon.
And sometimes just use my ipads camera… Can this be done?

Please someone help & yes i've already checkd for apps there's none i will be blogging on

2 answers

Trying to add files to my SD card via Nikon DX?

So my sister let me borrow her Nikon dx camera so I could use it as an sd card reader. I'm tryiing to copy a simple folder file (with.txt inside) To the root of the cartridge, but it just won't copy. I also tried the easy Right-click/Paste, but that doesn't work either.

6 answers

Which is the better camera. Cannon or Nikon? - 1

I'm trying to save for my first SLR camera but have no idea which one to buy. When I do buy one it will be either a Cannon or Nikon. However I'm not sure which camera would fit my needs better.

I need a camera that will shoot excellent macro shots (true macro if possible) with a shallow depth of field and great / amazing clarity. These things are a must as I shoot mostly close-up or macro flower shots.

If possible I would also love the camera to be able to take beautiful landscape shots. Right now I'm working on a Fuji FinePix S4500 and the clarity and shallow depth of field on this camera is lacking something terrible. Not sure if it's just cause it's new and I'm not acquainted with everything it can do.

Anyway if someone could give some advice as to which camera… Cannon or Nikon would be better suited for my needs I would greatly appreciate it.

Ismail Khalid
4 answers
Ismail Khalid

What are the best places/spots in Greater Manchester for photography?

I'm planning to visit Manchester and surrounding areas on a photography trip, to try some photography with my Nikon 3100 DSLR. Can anyone please give me some pointers to some nice places / towns where I can shoot some cool pics?

6 answers

I can't edit NEF files with ViewNX 2?

I'm trying to edit Nikon RAW (.nef) files with ViewNX2.
I have an image selected with the program with the edit feature. The Adjustments tab on the side of the image has all the options greyed out, and I can't make any adjustments. For example, the white balance, exposure, sharpness, and etc, sliders are all greyed out and I can't change them.

How can I fix this?
If not, is there another program that can edit.nef files much better than ViewNX2?

4 answers

Which is better-A telescope or a telephoto zoom lens?

Which could be better for my Nikon D5100-a telescope or a telescope zoom lens? And why?

7 answers

What DSLR camera would be best for a beginner?

I'm new to photography and I plan on purchasing a Digital SLR Camera over the summer. I want to spend between $400 and $700 for a camera. I have been looking at different Nikon and Canon models however, I still do not know which one is for me. I know I definitely want to get a camera with an included lens. I would also want the lens to be automatic.

What camera would you suggest for me?
Do you know of any good retailers who sell used cameras? I'm thinking that a used camera might be a good option in that I can get a better camera for a cheaper price.

2 answers

Why does nikon view NX 2 say unsupported file type whenever I try to open video?

I shot the video with my nikon l120 so I would think this nikon program would be compatible. I watched the video on view NX 2 and it worked fine, but hours later I try opening it and it just said unsupported file type. I've tried deleting it and uploading it from my camera again and it still wouldn't let me. Any suggestions?

Added (1). What do you mean by install the right codec?

3 answers

Professional camera for studio pictures! Low Price?

There, I'm wanting to buy a good camera (it doesn't have to be pro), but I have a amazon and eBay business and I'm looking for a good digital camera that can take good clear pictures of the items and to capture the details clearly of the item. I'm not familiar with cameras I've looked on Canon and Nikon, they are both good/great cameras but, it has a downside of AA Batteries instead of rechargeable batteries. I guess that I'm open because I can just buy a charger for AA batteries.

What would you recommend for a good but not to spend a lot of money on it.
I have come across a lot of good cameras but I don't know how to buy them.

2 answers

Canon 500d external flash problems?

I have a 500d and some studio lights, i've pluged them into the external sync that goes on top of your camer but it will not firethe flash. It will of my old nikon camera,
also i have a normal external flash that goes on the top of my camera that works fine. It just will not work on the stidio flashs wen i'm using the sync.jessops recon that it should woerk and ther is no diff between the diffrent makes for the syncs?/