Nikon SLR Cameras
1 answer

Which Nikon F series is best for a beginner?

It will be my first camera i own. I fell in love with the nikon F when i laid my eyes on it in a movie. It may sound silly, but ill be taking photos with it all the time.eventually ill upgrade to a more modern dslr, but for now i so want a Nikon F. Thanks for your time, and if anyone haves photos that you tooked from a Nikons F, please share them. It would be lovely and push me further to what i want to accomplish.

3 answers

List of Cameras that have Blub shutter settings and not over 1thousand dollars?

Has to have blub shutter
Max- 1 thousand US dollars
nikon or canon.

Added (1). And only cameras where i don't have to buy the lens

rona april
2 answers
rona april

When will nikon j2 be available in the market?

Specifically in future shop or best buy.

2 answers

Is Fujifilm a good model for digital cameras?

Are Fujifilm's Bridge and Pro model cameras reliable and good quality? I've never had a Fujifilm camera before. Are they comparable to the quality of Nikon or Canon?

5 answers

Nikon or Canon for d-slrs?

Nikon or Canon for d-slrs?

Stephanie Hamlin
2 answers
Stephanie Hamlin

Did not format SD card and lost pictures, Can I get them back?

I have a Nikon Camera. I noticed that every time you transfer photos you have to format the SD card. If you do not when you try to review the photos, each photo comes up with an error. Last night I was in a hurry. I took my daughter to the fair, well before I ran out the door I took a picture and looked at it to see if I got an error and I did not. But after going to the fair and taken dozens upon dozens of photos I go to put them on my computer and about 5 of the ones I took are NOT coming up with an error, which means the rest have errors. Anyone know of any way to retrieve the photos? I'm not used to having to format the SD card everytime, my last camera and SD card I NEVER had to do this. Thank you ahead of time… ALSO I have tried Wondershare, File scavenger, and Recuva, and none of these help me. When I used them they just made a ton of multiples of only 4 photos totaling to 1500… Lots of the same 4 photos…

1 answer

Abu Dhabi- where can I get my Nikon film camera fixed?

I have an old Nikon film camera. The light meter broke (yes I have tried to replace the battery) and it has a large dent above the viewlens. Where can I get this fixed? I live in Abu Dhabi

Added (1). I also bought this on Ebay so i don't know where it was bought originally

2 answers

Suggest me a good camera to buy in around $500?

I'm planning to buy nikon p 510. Can any one suggest me a better camera other than this in SLR category with the nearest budget of it? My budget is around $500 or 25000 INR

rona april
3 answers
rona april

Will there be a nikon j2 in pink color?

Will there be a nikon j2 in pink color?

Beth Kingsland
4 answers
Beth Kingsland

My camera Lens is stuck. It won't turn on or off. What do I do?

I was making a video outside and when I was filming my camera was kinda jittery. When I was finished my video it went frozen and the screen was blank. The camera lens are stuck and it won't turn on nor Off. I have a Nikon cooplix 1400