Ideal wide aperture lens for indoor parties, baptism or wedding for Nikon?

Ideal wide aperture lens for indoor parties, baptism or wedding for Nikon? List your suggestions.

I love my wide angle lens - even if I don't actually get to use it that much. One thing I tried when I first got it, was to take pictures of scenes involving people, and it's a mistake that I've never repeated!
Have a look at how wedding photographers work those group shots. They use cameras with sensors that are already wider than most amateurs, but they then move further back for the group photos rather than use the lens to create a wider shot. The reason, using a standard focal length is much more pleasing on the eye!

35mm f1/.8 for APS-C, 50mm f/1.8 for full-frame.

A prime lens is probably too confining for these activities. Most pros shooting these events will use the 24-70 f/2.8 lens on an FX body or a 17-55 f/2.8 on a DX body. If you want a second lens with more reach (for shooting from the back of a church, for instance), the 70-200 f/2.8 is universal.
Nikon is coming out with a line of smaller, cheaper lenses with a maximum aperture of f/4.0. These are still excellent quality lenses, but the high ISO image quality on the newest cameras (D600, D800, probably D7000) is so good, you can go up a stop in ISO (such as using ISO 1000 instead of 500) instead of opening up a stop in the lens. I don't know what camera you have, so I can't comment any further on that.