Nikon SLR Cameras
1 answer

Nikon Repair: Sent in Broken lens. Nikon hasn't contacted me, its been a week?

I sent in my Nikons 18-50mm lens cause it was broken, the camera was still under warranty. Anyway, I haven't gotten an e-mail from Nikon yet. How long does it take for them to look at it and fix it. Its been over a week.

4 answers

What kind of batteries does the Nikon SB600 take?

I'm looking to get a SB600 Flash and don't know much about it. My current flash just takes AA's. What kind of battery does this take? Can you post a link to buy them on Amazon?

2 answers

How to fix my broken Nikor lens?

I had my Nikon camera around my neck while vacationing in Switzerland and after bending over to pick something up on the floor of the train, it slipped off and fell. The camera body is fine, and the lens still works… However the part that holds the lens into the body is broken so I've got to hold the lens in place to operate the camera. I'm wondering if there's any way to fix this myself, or what the cheapest repair route would be if I can't. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

2 answers

Is there any good camera more than Nikon 9100?

Any suggetions regarding SLR. Around 18000 only

The Boogeyman
4 answers
The Boogeyman

Are all camera lenses compatible with all SLR cameras?

For example can I put a Sigma or Nikon lens on a Canon SLR?
If not, how do I tell which ones are compatible with which camera?

Sean Gregory
1 answer
Sean Gregory

Will the Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX 11-16mm f2.8 auto-focus on the Canon 1000D body?

Hi, I have a Canon EOS 1000D DSLR camera. I think it's also called the Rebel XS. I want to buy the Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX 11-16mm f2.8 lens but I have read that it doesn't have it's own auto-focus motor. So it (the auto-focus) apparently won't work on some Nikon bodies because those don't have in built motors but I can't find out if it's the same with my body. I've got some lenses without the USM/HSM but still auto-focus. Does that mean they still have their own motor in the lens or do I have one in my camera. Just don't to spend all that money to find out I have to manually focus all the time. Easy enough on longer focal lengths but at a wide angle like 11mm I'm not too sure I'll get it right.

2 answers

Which camera to pick?

Having a bit of a problem on deciding which camera to get.
the Nikon p500 or l120.
According to the reviews, they seem amazing apart from when you hit max with the zoom and it shakes and the low light is not all that good.

If you know something similar to these cameras but with better low light, please mention it.

3 answers

Nikon dslr focal lenses?

What's the difference between the 50mm and 35mm 1.8 lens? I know that focal lenses you zoom with your "feet" but is the mm the zoom distance on focal lens? If it is then the 35mm is wider? I'm using a 18-55mm so if mm is the zoom distance on focal lenses 35mm isn't really wide.

6 answers

I need a new camera! Any advice?

Well I'm 16 and I'm really really into photography. I didn't do it for GCSE because I didn't know how much I enjoyed it then, but I'm doing it for A Level in September!

I have a FujiFilm Finepix S2000HD which is pretty rubbish for getting decent photos, I need/want an SLR/DSLR!

I have a job but don't earn that much so I can't part with a huge sum of money! It obviously depends on what sort of camera I get.

I just want advice on what camera to get? Nikon? Canon? Anything better?

Any advice of what to/not to get would be brilliant and extremely helpful - especially if you use your own experience?

1 answer

Cannon or Nikon will be your best pick?

Please advise on Cannon or Nikon and specific model type. Budget up to $ 500. I know that's the price they usually go for. Not intended for professional use, just looking for some Really good quality photos, important occasions coming up and I'm tired of $ 200 camera's dissapointments.