Camera.or 250 dollars in cash?

Hey guys thanks so much for taking the time to help <3 for my 15th birthday (tomorow) my parents said i could get a camera, the nikon p 500 to be exact and i was so excted because i'm a photography junky and i love ebing creative like that haha but its 400 dollars and i feel kind of guilty taking that much from my family… When i told my parents how i felt they said as an alternative theyd give me 250 dollars in cash to do what ever the hell i wanted. Which is still pretty amazing since my best friends birthdays coming up and id so love to get him and i costumes for comic con for somthing not to mention clothes for school next year… I just i dunno haha i kind of need help deciding any sugestions

Take the 250 and buy the camera used.

There's a really Really good 125 dollar camera that works like a pro camera so buy that then save the other 125 for elsewhere

Get the cash, and get a compact. Look in to Canon IXUS's range for affordable cameras. Now I didn't say coolpix was not good, it's simply Nikon's weakest asset. By the way, this shouldn't be in photography >.>
If you're moving from a simple camera to the p500, you will notice how the functions confuse you. Give it to a DSLR photographer and he will complain about it: D
Think twice, My advice is to get the cash and save it up: D

Your parents want to buy you that specific camera for your 15th birthday. Do them and you a favor and take the camera. They will be as happy as you.