Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

Nikon-Reformat card message all the time?

I have a Nikon digital slr and it is always telling me to reformat the card. I reformat it and take pictures but I have to make sure that I save the pictures before turning the camera back on, otherwise it tells me to reformat the card and I lose the pictures. I have tried buying a new card, same problem.

1 answer

Nikon n 80. Double exposure?

How can I do a double exposure on the same frame with the nikon n 80? Some cameras have a bottom but I can't seem how to do it with mine

2 answers
2 answers

Help Pricing Camera Equipment please

I'm looking to sell some camera equipment that was left to me and I have no idea how much it is worth. I searched Google up and down and other then some reviews on the equipment I was stumped as to finding a price list. But here we go!

Camera: Nikon N2000
Lense: Lester A. Dine 105mm f/28 MACRO 1:1
Flash: Dine Auto Exposure macro light (the flash is a ring around the front of the lense)

Thank you kindly for any and all your info! As I said this equipment was left to me and I'm not a photographer so I'm trying to sell the stuff and do not wan to get ripped off.

4 answers

I want a camera for Christmas. Is the Nikon 3100 good?

I'm getting a camera, interested in photography, any suggestions as to what kind of camera I should order? Any price between $650 and $900 is alright. I need something that takes close to professional pictures.

5 answers

Camera help, Please I don't know what to do

After my camera got knocked over on its tripod (it was not very high off the ground)
, the tripod mount (on the bottom of the camera, i have a Nikon L110) broke, i took it to the shop, but they were un-able to fix it, when i went to pick it up, the told me that there was a lens error, and when the camera would turn on the lens would not come out, but on the screen there would be error screen that says "Lens error. (if the cap is attached turn the camera off, remove the lens cap, and turn the camera on)" The problem is, the lens cap is no longer on. Please help me, It's very frustrating! What could be the problem?

Added (1). I understand that if i got it repaired it would cost more money then its worth, i'm just wondering if there could be an "easy solution" and i was overlooking something. It's not like i can go out and but a brand new amazing camera now.

2 answers

Best point and shoot digital camera for under 200?

I'm looking for great camera with good quality photos and good video capabilities. The videos need to be fluid and not choppy and the microphone needs to work well too. My last camera was a Fujifilm FinePix F20 SE and it took great videos. I do like Nikon, Fujifilm, and Canon. Any help is appreciated.

Marlon Gazzingan
4 answers
Marlon Gazzingan
Nadia S
7 answers
Nadia S

Canon AE-1 vs Nikon F3 vs Pentax MX?

Tossing between getting one of these cameras… Anyone has personal experiences to share? Ease of use, quality of pictures?

Added (1). I should mention that it's the Canon AE-1 Program that I was referring to.

Giorgio Salmera
2 answers
Giorgio Salmera

I want to sell my camera in NYC. Is it possible?

Have a Nikon point and shoot camera. I need money now in cash. I want to sell my camera to a store in nyc only.
Where can I find?