Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Sent in my Nikon lens for service, came back with dust on the inside?

I sent in my Nikon lens because the front element fell out. I got my lens back, but there are a lot of dust particles on the inside of the lens, one of them is fairly large and visible even in some shots. Has anyone had that experience before? Send it back again? What's the guarantee they will clean it properly this time?

Added (1). I did sent it to Nikon

9 answers

Is a Nikon or Canon better?

I'm looking for a Digital slr camera. Currently I have a sony point and shoot, and I love photography and I have hopes of becoming a professional one day and I want my next camera choice to be a good one. It needs to be around $500 ( a lil more or less ), take good pictures, good quality, and have a wide range of lenses. I have done some research but I can't decide whether a Nikon or Canon Dslr is better… What do you think?

5 answers

I have a nikon 55mm - 18mm lens?

I exposed the lens to about 30 seconds of light from a flashlight. Soon after the lens would not zoom and had a spherical discoloration. OR my daughter could have dropped it. Not sure here, my wife is the more educated person on cameras but we can't figure it out.

3 answers

A good online websites to buy a fancy camera from?

Kinda like carigslist or ebay. Or a free place lol and i mean like a nice optical zoom nikon type ones.

3 answers

Which Digital single-lens reflex camera better?

I want to buy dslr camera, i prefer good quality 3100 n canon 550d, which 1 is better?

3 answers

My camera stopped working?

I have a Nikon S70. Last night, I was sitting on a chair and it dropped on the ground (tiles) When I turned it on, the screen has these stripes and the lighting is really messed up. I don't have an accident warranty so is there any way I can help it?

6 answers
1 answer

Fujifilm f550 exr or?

Any of you got this camera?
picture quality looks bad compared to the nikon s9100 but could 16mpx against 12 make up for that?

any opinion?
could you send me some pictures shot with the f550 at 12, 10 or 8 mpx?
on the web i can only find full resolution

4 answers

Best digital SLR for around $400?

I want something that also does video, quality video. Either Nikon or Cannon.

1 answer

Why is my flash not working?

My external flash for my dslr camera just all of a sudden stopped working. It's a vivitar for my nikon, and I was taking a shot of my cousin and one shot the flash didn't work. The batteries are fine I think, the flash itself is on, it just won't, well, flash. What's the problem and how can I fix it?