Nikon SLR Cameras

What affordable to use. Nikon or Canon DSLR?

Marlon Gazzingan
Marlon Gazzingan

Please help me to Choose


Makes no difference. The price differences are negligible.


You're really asking which lens system to invest in, because the two DSLR lines are comparable. Both make high-quality lenses in the same zoom and primes. The primary difference between them is that Nikon has maintained the same lens mount for several decades. So if you're interested in some of the great manual or AF lenses of past years, you can acquire them inexpensively and use them on *most* Nikon bodies, with some basic restrictions on cheaper consumer models. For instance, I'm using some wonderful twenty-year-old Tamron lenses on my D2X and getting fine results.

Canon has had a more complex relationship with its lens mounts; you're much less likely to be able to play mix and match with your lenses - and there are no guarantees that they won't invalidate your set on the next body release. That's true of Nikon too, but their history is on my side.


To me Its personal preference, if you haven't experienced both then here's my opinion, nikon as a 35mm dslr was amazing, they were on their game big time and loved my nikon lol anyway wen things went digital they kind of fell off and canon killed it! Right now I own a 5d mark ii and a canon 7d I love them both also if you ever want to dabble in video those 2 cameras are extremely popular, the video quality is amazing and people will kill for it! So hopefully that helps like I said that's my opinion


The price shouldn't matter, it's what suits you best! At least that's what I say!