Nikon SLR Cameras

Fujifilm f550 exr or?


Any of you got this camera?
picture quality looks bad compared to the nikon s9100 but could 16mpx against 12 make up for that?

any opinion?
could you send me some pictures shot with the f550 at 12, 10 or 8 mpx?
on the web i can only find full resolution

Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta

I don't own one but it gets some decent reviews. Seriously google is your friend

It has EXR so it can combine 2 pixels into one, with each off set for instance for better dynamic range, lower noise or better detail. So if you buy it keep the camera in EXR mode!

My father has one of the originals, the F200, the one where EXR showed up the first time. And yes it isn't DSLR level quality but it is better then what you expect from a compact camera. EXR works! Keep it in EXR!