Nikon SLR Cameras

Can i buy camera from this site?


Dear Photographers and Photography Lovers, my brother just started photography business. And would like to but a Nikon DSLR camera from this website because they providing discounts. Can we buy the camera from this wesite


I have my doubts as their webdomain seems to be registered in Malaysia, and their contact addresses are gmail accounts. Their website is actually a front for their amazon webstore. I'm not saying they 're not legit, I 'm only saying that it's likely this is a grey (non-official) import channel. If you'd ever need to return a product for repairs, I'd rather trust the official local (e.g.US, European) Nikon service, than trying to return a grey import to its origin.

Btw, their prices aren't any different from those of a well-known, US online retailer such as which offers a US Warranty on Nikon products.


I recently got a D300s for shooting pictures of my 3-year old. Previously, I used a Nikon D70, a 6-megapixel DSLR. I honestly think that the D70 is a fine camera and takes beautiful pictures if you use good lenses with it, but I got the D300s because it is much faster at focussing (51 focus sensors vs. 5 focus sensors), and can snap pictures at 7 frames per second (versus 3 frames per second for the D70).So now I feel I'm getting great pictures of my fast-moving daughter that I probably would have missed with my older camera. As for the quality of the pictures themselves, I don't notice any significant improvement from the D70, which already produced excellent pictures as long as things were moving slowly enough for it to lock focus.