Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Why does my 16GB SDHC card only give me 20 minutes of video?

I bought a class 10 16GB Kingston memory card for my Nikon S2550, and it gives me 4000 or so photos on the 12MP resolution, but only 20 or so minutes of video. And the lowest video resolution only lets me video an extra 3 minutes, though I've read that it should give me between 120 and 360 minutes of video. I also checked before buying it if it is compatible with my camera, specifically it being class 10, and though I can't remember what I found, what I read assured me that it would work.
Please help? I want it for vlogging.

Added (1). It's a brand new memory card and doesn't have any media on it (in response to the first reply)

11 answers

Which Canon camera is best?

I want to be a photographer and I need to know which Canon camera is the best. I do NOT want Nikon so please don't say, "Nikon is better". I just need to know which Canon camera is the best and takes good pictures For example, on Tumblr and, you see how great the pictures are? I want quality like THAT.

2 answers

What film is good for a Nikon fm 2n?

I'm a beginner on photography. Trying to look for a good film for my Nikon fm 2n. I need help

2 answers

I need advice on what camera to buy? - 1

I'm asking for a new camera for my birthday. I want a Nikon. I'd like a camera that takes good, high quality pictures, but it's not too expensive. I'd say under 400, but the ideal would be around 300. I don't want a simple point and shoot, and I want one that would be easy NOT to drop. Lol. Is there any such camera that exists? And if not, any recommendations?

5 answers

A good camera for Low Light with nice quality picture?

I'm not a tech geek, and want to graduate from my existing point & shoot camera to something more complex.
I would like to buy a semi SLR camera. It should have a very good performance in LOW LIGHT and have a decent optical zoom. Quality should be close to SLR like.

My favored brands are Nikon or Canon. Can you please recommend me the Right Cameras for me.

2 answers

List of Nikon and Canon DSLR's that can record video with time limit included

List of Nikon and Canon DSLR's that can record video with time limit included Thanks?

6 answers

Camera strap burns my neck and makes it hurt?

I got a new Nikon dSLR and the provided camera strap burned my neck and left it hurt so I bought another strap on Amazon, but that did the same thing to me. What is the most comfortable camera strap that does not do cause burning neck pains?

Katie Rose
3 answers
Katie Rose

I want to edit pictures off camera?

Okay I'm really into photography. I been using my phone and such. I got a camera but I can't put them on my computer, edit them and put them back on. I really want to edit them. How can I so that without having to print them off my computer?
I have the nikon plum s4100 touch.

1 answer

Nikon FA film counter going backwards?

When I take a picture with my Nikon FA and then I advance the film for the next shot, the film counter is going upwards instead of downwards.Am I double-exposing the film or something? How do I fix this?

8 answers

I need camera advice?

Hi, so I want too get a nice camera. But i'm not sure which one to get?

I don't want one of those simple cameras. I want one that focuses nicely, has good zoom, etc.

I absolutely love photography. So which one would be good for me?

(I prefer one of the Nikon's, by the way)

Added (1). Price range: $500-700