I want a camera but a cheap one

Like $450 - $570. Only canon and nikon cameras. MUST TAKE VIDEOS (HD)

Check out the Rebel T3 and Nikon D3100

I would look at http://www.42photo.com/ they have affordable prices and free shipping is available hope this helps

I think Canon EOS Rebel T3 is an amazing buy for the money. I was able to unpack the contents & begin shooting good pictures IMMEDIATELY, using the fully automatic settings & the included partially charged battery. The menu was a LITTLE confusing at first, but I quickly got the gist of things and am taking good pictures with the camera. Having used the full-auto settings and just dabbling with the advanced settings, I'm very pleased with the purchase and I think anyone who is either new to DSLR cameras or who doesn't want to spend over $1000 for a 'pro' DSLR will also be very happy with it right out of the box.