Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

Why there are so no one using pentax?

I went to a photography beginners course and met a guy using a pentax k-30 while the crowd were all Nikon or Canon users. I googled it and found out it is kinda awesome and I'm thinking of buying one too like maybe a K-5 but why not many people are using it? Will the service like repairs be ok? How about lens and accessories avaibility esp third party?

2 answers

What is the cheapest Nikon D600 price?

I have been waiting to buy this camera, and it just came out. I don't know if I should wait for the deals or just buy it now. But if I buy it online, I want to make sure I got the best price. Are there any websites running promotions on this camera that you know about?

1 answer

Where is the cheapest place to buy a Nikon D600?

The camera just came out, I know some companies were doing promotions for the new release. Where is the cheapest place to buy the Nikon D600?

1 answer

Frame rates on Nikon D600?

If you are shooting video in 1080p with the Nikon D600, than what are the selectable fps types that you can choose on the camera?

3 answers

Did the Nikon D600 get good reviews?

My mom has been into photography and stuff for many years now. She has alot of different high end cameras, but I wanted to buy her something new for her birthday. I'm thinking about the Nikon D600. Has anyone done a review of the camera yet?

Jennifer Saddymcmaddy
2 answers
Jennifer Saddymcmaddy

Nikon D90X flashing Err, P and metering system?

Just recently the problem suddenly occurred and my camera started flashing Err. If I change it to manual mode 'M' the M does no flash like the P does, same with the metering system, but no matter what I try the shutter speed, it never reverses. One more thing, I've already read the manual, pressed the green reset buttons, taken out the batteries and taken out the lens? Any other options?

Added (1). I'm sorry I meant the F90X

glamorous mess
1 answer
glamorous mess

Where Can I find the serial number on my Nikon Prostaff 3 Rangefinder?

I just bought my rangefinder from cabelas, i need to fill out the warranty papers and its asking me for the product serial number of my rangefinder, i can't seem to find it, or is in the 2 letters and numbers on a sticker on the bottom of my rangefinder?

5 answers

Looking for some advice on a good camera for a beginner?

I've decided I want to buy a good digital camera. I'd like to take a few photography courses just to be able to take better pictures (not to become a professional). The types of pictures I would be taking are mostly of people or buildings/scenery. For example my boyfriend and I are going to Disney World next month so I would be taking pictures of him and other friends as well as taking a lot of pictures of the various sights. The most important thing for me is the clarity of the picture. I hate when I take pictures that are blurry or look really pixelated like I took the photo in a basement in the 70s or something. I just want my pictures to look like they're HD quality. I know that to achieve that I not only need a good camera but also need to be a better photographer so I will work on that but I would love some advice on what kind of camera would make that easier for me. I'd also prefer a camera that's not extremely heavy. My budget is between $600-$900 and I think I would prefer Nikon or Canon but I'm open to all suggestions. I really appreciate any help you can offer, thanks so much!

1 answer

Why does my Nikon 1 J1 camera stop recording automatically?

I have a SanDisk Ultra card with 32 GB. I have no pictures or videos on my memory card. It stops recording automatically and it says "processing video" or something like that when it stops. It is so irritating and I just bought it! I loved the camera until this problem came up. Please tell me that there's something I can do to fix this!

It also says that I can record for 20 minutes, but it stops after 1 minute or something like that!

2 answers

Suggest if these lenses would be good for Portrait and Fashion Photography?

Please suggest if these lenses would be good for Portrait and Fashion Photography?

Canon 50mm f1.8 lens for Portrait and Canon 70mm - 200mm f2.8 lens for Fashion Photography

Either Canon or Nikon?