Nikon SLR Cameras
Black Cat
1 answer
Black Cat

Microphone for my Nikon 5100 DSLR?

I'm looking for a Microphone for my Nikon 5100. As everyone knows the microphones built into the camera an't any good so any help on buying a new microphone would be great.xx

1 answer

Best beginner binoculars for astronomy?

I'm looking for some binoculars for astronomy, preferably a 10x50 one.
My budget is under $150 and would like a high quality one.
I have looked and narrowed it down to either a Nikon Action or an Olympus DPS I.
Which one is better and is there any other binoculars that I should consider?

2 answers

Are Vivitar lenses any good?

I don't know much about cameras but my boyfriend likes to collect lenses. He uses modern Nikon DSLRs but has an old Canon that uses film. I came across a Minolta X-700 and some Vivitar lenses for $50 and I'm thinking about getting them for him. Are they worth buying?

4 answers

How to get clients for photoshoots without losing them?

I'm a photo hobbyist but I would do it for money whenever I get the opportunity. Sometimes people see me with a camera (Nikon DSLR) and they ask if I have a card. I don't really like carrying cards so I give them my number and they say they will call me but I never get any calls. What could I do to be more successful?

4 answers

Got a new Nikon Camera but?

Every time I take a picture, a box in front of it with like yellow graph pretty much pops up, how do i take that off?

The graph looks similar to that:

4 answers

Nikon lens slr camera?

What's a decent lens for a slr camera? Is a 70-300mm good for sporting events?

5 answers

Do nikon cameras worth buying?

Do nikon cameras worth buying?

4 answers

Suggestions for DSLR cameras to buy for my second purchase?

Camera suggestions and what to look for?
Preferably a Nikon.

Added (1). Budget is £900

4 answers

Anyone have any experience of taking pictures of pets? Recommendations?

I'm thinking of setting up a pet photography business - simply put, I'm thinking of going out on site (woodland area) and taking pictures of there pets for keepsakes.

Has anyone had any experience with this? Any tips? I use Nikon, what type of lens would people recommend me getting?

1 answer

This weird guy approached us in the park?

He was overweight in a black wife beater and blue jean cut off shorts in sunglasses over regular glasses. He said he was an aspiring photographer and wanted to take pictures of my girlfriend while we were studying and her standing up and sitting on a bench, normal pictures from different distances and angles. My girlfriend looked at them and she said they looked decent. We're weirded out though. He was really shaky and lied to us. He said he was going to take more nature pictures in the park but he instead drove out of the park immediately afterwards. Also his camera was a small Nikon or something, not a legit photography camera. He was sketchy. We're in college btw, 18 and 19. What should I have done? We were both weirded out afterwards and told the university police and bought some mace for my girlfriend. We live together, so I would be here if he was a creep and followed her. What are some opinions on this? She was sort of uncomfortable because she was wearing shorts.