Nikon SLR Cameras
7 answers

Best Nikon for me? Details Follow-?

Okay so i'm 14, love photography.
I understand pretty much everything photography wise and know how to use everything. I'm looking for no more that £400 Interchangeable lenses is important obviously, mainly a nikon.

Duncan Fisher
2 answers
Duncan Fisher

New DSLR - Which One?

I've been with Canon for a while now. My Canon 550D just died on me and I'm looking for a replacement. I went into my local camera store and was amazed at the various DSLR's they had. Some from Sony and a couple from Nikon. Especially the Nikon cameras seemed to have a lot of power under the hood for the price. Something like 24mpx compared to the same priced Canon cameras which had half of that.

I'm looking to get the Canon 650D, but I'm open to suggestions. What would be the best "camera for the buck" to get?

Added (1). @Jim, by "died" I mean it died. It was a factory fault and I had the choice of either getting the same camera or getting cash. I chose cash as I'm wanting to try something different.

@Keerok, I know the difference between Canon models. They're the ones I'm most familiar with. But when I visited the local camera shop, I saw several models and makes ranging from Canon, Pentax, Nikon and a slew of others.

I'm looking for some advice to which camera (doesn't matter brand) that gives you the most "bang for the buck". I enjoy Canon cameras and always have. But I'd like to try something different for the sake of it.

Laurence G
3 answers
Laurence G

Possible battery leak inside Nikon F-501?

I recently was given my Grandad's old camera a Nikon F-501, and he was always one for looking after his things so there's no problem with anything on the camera, except because he has been sadly gone since 2001, I guess the camera has just sat since then.

I opened up the battery compartment and there were the old batteries still in there, around the end of one was a crust which I guess was where a battery had leaked and then been left to dry? My Nan wouldn't have at any point looked or opened the camera, I replaced the batteries after cleaning up the crust, but there's no life in the camera.

Would the battery leak probably have ruined the internals of the camera? I can't get any signal from it no matter what I try, I'm new to the photography world so I don't really know what to try, so any help would be appreciated.

Austin Cristofaro
5 answers
Austin Cristofaro

Canon 50mm f/1.8 II auto focus on Canon EOS 10D?

I just picked up a Canon 10D (as a back up camera ) and I need to buy a Canon lens as I only own Nikon glass. Will the 50mm f/1.8 ii auto focus on my 10D body or do they both lack focus motors?

3 answers

Will this lens work for me?


Doing a wedding in January will this lens work

2 answers

In the market for a DSLR camera?

I want something that takes very good quality pictures. Video quality is also important to me. Price range probably between $400-$600. I really want something worth the money. I have been saving my money for a long time and I don't want to waste it. I heard the best are Nikon or Cannon. What is the best i could possibly get. Video is almost as important as image quality.
Thank you so much for your assistance.

Added (1). *Canon - my mistake

3 answers

Dropped my Nikon D1500?

And now when I take pictures, I look through the lens and its faded, but it takes pictures. But they turn out half blacked out? What happened? Is it my lens or my camera?

2 answers

Good price for Nikon D31000?

Have the opportunity to buy a used, in good condition, D31000. This will be my first DSLR. The price of the used is 360 (after pushing down from 400).It comes with the stock lens, extra battery, case, and stand. I can get new for 490 on amazon. Since I know so little about this industry I figured I would do some digging. Thanks in advance.

Added (1). You are correct, I'm very (very) new. The person I would be buying from used stand, and just emailed about the shutter cycles. What would the answer mean actually?

2 answers

Nikon 55-200mm vs Nikon 55-300mm Lens?

I interested in buying one of these but don't know which one to get. My question is, what is the actual length each lens reaches. I want to get shots of a baseball game. If I'm sitting near 3rd base and want to photograph a player on 1st base, will the 55-200mm lens suffice?

4 answers

Are my photos any good? - 1


13 years old, aspiring photographer. I usually take pictures with my Nikon and filter it with Instagram… I know that I'm nowhere near professional level (and that Instagram isn't exactly known as an app for pros) but I'd love to hear feedback and critique so that I can improve.

Added (1). @Angela: Thank you for the feedback! You're right about my needing actual filters. I'm not entirely sure how or what program to use, however, but I'll try not to rely on Instagram so much.

Added (2). @fhotoace: Thank you for providing the link, I'll try to incorporate what I can understand into my photos.