Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Which Digital Cameras are Similar to Nikon F75?

I really liked the Nikon F75 but I'm looking for the same version of the camera but Digital.
Can you help with the name?

1 answer

How to add text in a picture in photoshop without loosing its quality?

I'm a beginner in photography and in photoshop as well.
i have taken a photo with a nikon camera 14.2 MP and i only want to add a text on it (no other editing process, just text) but when i save the photo it reduces the quality. What is the best image format to use?

here is the photo i have taken

Jason Toward
5 answers
Jason Toward

Which camera to use for proffesional use?

What camera is best for proffesional use in a studio and outdoors shooting landscapes


4 answers

Camera recommendations?

I'm looking into getting a camera but I'm not sure which one I want. I would like to get either a Nikon or a Canon. Here are my requirements:
-Good zoom (I will be taking a lot of really close up photos to draw and if i get a close up of say a bee on a flower i want no loss of clarity)
-Good in low-light (I will be taking a lot of pics in the woods where light may be scattered, I want to be able to pick up the variations of light and be able to see them in the photograph without using a flash
-Reasonable price (I'm new to this and I don't want to pay like 1000$)
-Relatively compact (I understand it won't be the size of your average camera but I don't want to have to lug a giant case and a bunch of extra lenses to the barn or into the woods)

So what would you recommend?

Dash Dash
3 answers
Dash Dash

Estimated Price drop for Canon eos 5d mark ii?

I've been saving up my money for quiet some time for a new DSLR, I have used a wide variety of cameras both nikon and canon so I've done my research, but I'm wondering if anyone can give an estimate of the price drop that is supposed to happen to the 5d mark ii once the 6d comes out? Any price drop at all would be great, I'm eager to get a new camera and sell my nikon but I do not want to throw my money away if the price is about to drop by a lot.

MK Garg
3 answers
MK Garg

Which is best digitel camera anded 6000 rs?

Suggested me camera sony, nikon, canon, is best camera. And hd viado record facility.

5 answers

For everyday point and shoot shots, which mirrorless camera should I choose?

Basically I'm very confused as to which camera to get for general point and shoot type shots. Current considerations are the Panasonic Lumix GF3, Sony Nex-5 and Nikon 1 J1. I'll be using it mainly for travelling so there will be a variety of shots - outdoor, indoor etc

I was initially looking at the J1 for its speed but the general review for the camera isn't that great, so now I'm juggling between that, Sony NEX-5 and Lumix GF3

The main things I'm really looking at is for reasonably fast autofocus and a small compact size (image quality for them all are said to be great so I'm not too overly concerned with that). I know pancake lenses are available for them all, but my question is if they're good for everyday purposes? Nikon's 10mm lens is said to not be really fit for all purposes, and I'm not too sure I want to lug around the other 10-30mm lenses when I'm on the go.

Long story short -
Nikon J1, Sony NEX-5 or Panasonic Lumix GF3?

(And yes, I know there are lots of people who don't quite like mirrorless cameras, and feel that they're overpriced and whatnot and it's more worth it to get a DSLR, but I'm looking for compact with future options to go further)

2 answers

Sony Nex 7 Or Nikon D600?

Hi! I just need some help and advice. I have watched so many videos regarding these very good cameras and read all the review but somehow I still can't decide what to get. I really need some good camera for my photography class this coming semester so I'm thinking of the Nikon D600 or 5100 but I'm not planning to be a professional or to make photography as a business. I'm more of a travel person and just want to take some portrait and street photos that's why I'm interested in the nex 7 but I'm hesitant that it can give me some SLR quality photos. Also we're going to do a lot of short films next sem. Which of these two are good for videography. I'm still a student, amateur I'm willing to read all your thoughts and consider them. I'm sorry for my bad english, its not my language but I'm trying to learn: D thank you in advance

Added (1). @fhotoace thank you for your reply! My friend have the 5100 and its good. I'm considering the nex because of the size but I still haven't seen it nor the d600. I suppose the good thing to do is really visit a camera store: D maybe camerahaus since its near me: D thank you again

5 answers

Fujifilm, Cannon, or Nikon?

Fujifilm, Cannon, or Nikon?

Jason Toward
1 answer
Jason Toward

Which camera is best for me?




and how much would an md filter be and the thing to hold it infront of the lens