Nikon SLR Cameras
5 answers

Would you rather get an Ipod touch or a camera for christmas?

Ok so i really want an ipod but i have an iphone but it doesn't have a front camera. And the camera i'm talking about is
well not this eexact one but something like that!

3 answers

Christmas 2012 routine?

I know its only November but I just wanted to know what other people's christmas routines are? Also, what do you want this christmas? I want a nikon 3200:)

My christmas routine:

7:00AM: Get up and open stocking
7:30AM: Get dressed, have breakfast and go downstairs. (Then I wait for ages for my parents to get up so I can open my main gifts!
8:00AM: My mum, dad and me take it in turn to open a present each until they're all gone.
8:30AM-12:30PM: I just play with my gifts and stuff then usually check facebook and watch shows and listen to christmasy music!
1:00PM: Have christmas lunch (turkey, yum!) then lounge about for the rest of the day.

Please tell me guys! <3 christmas

5 answers

Can I use Nikon and canon af lenses on an olympus 4/3 camera?

Can autofocus lenses from Nikon or canon be used on olympus 4/3 dslr cameras? I want to know if it is doable if they do not have 4/3 mounts. Is there perhaps an adapter that can be bought that allows the lens to be used along with its autofocus capabilities?

I'm wanting to buy this lens: SsPag…

To use on the olympus e-410 type of camera.

3 answers

Nikon And Fujifilm camera. Is both product reliable?

Both camera caught my eye yesterday and i'm really impress on the price. It really is a good price for my budget and also features 15 megapixels and also HD, i would like any product had some similar features but on both product is stated above are those product reliable?

2 answers

What is cheapest price to buy the Nikon D600 right now?

I'm looking to buy the Nikon D600 camera for my boyfriend. He is really into photography and his camera is pretty old so I want to buy him something new for his birthday.

Where can I find discounts on the Nikon D600 camera?

3 answers

Are any of these cameras good value?

i want the camera for taking family photos which include kids, so it will need to e fast, also, i don't want it to have use of normal batteries that you buy in a regular store as the cameras seem to be very hard on them. I was told nikon was a good make.

2 answers

Can I use regular CPL filters as rear drop-in filters?

For those lenses that require to use a rear mount drop-in filter like the Nikon 300mm 2.8 or Canon 400mm 2.8L, can I use regular screw mount 52mm filters on them? Or are they specially made for drop-in only?

5 answers

Can i use a film SLR lense on a digital SLR?

My mom has an old Nikon film SLR and i wanted to buy a digital. I was considering getting a Nikon so could i just buy the body only and use the lenses on the film SLR?

5 answers

Looking to buy a DSLR camera for the first time - any recommendations please?

I'm beginning in digital photography, and I'm really enjoying it so far. I've started saving money to buy a DSLR but I have no idea which one I should buy. I've been borrowing my dad's Canon 350D (his friend gave it to him a while back so it's about 5 years old) and we're both still learning it.

I asked my teacher (who's a pro photographer) for a recommendation and she's a Nikon girl, haha. But she said to just read up specs on them.

I'm still learning so I don't know all the terms yet, but I'd like a DSLR camera (any brand but I did learn on a Canon) that I can learn on. Any recommendations for me please?

3 answers

New Nikon lenses on old Nikon film SLRs?

I'm fairly certain I already know the answer but I'm just looking for some confirmation. I know that using old manual focus lenses on Nikon DSLRs isn't recommended since they can't meter, but on the other hand, most new Nikon lenses will work fine on old film SLRs, correct? Will there be any performance differences / issues (not including autofocus capability for very old bodies)? And also, how would DX lenses perform on film SLRs - would FX lenses be the only viable option? I would be looking to get lenses that work well both on film and digital SLRs.

An aside, what would be a good, mechanical Nikon film SLR? Preferably metal-body and very durable.