Nikon SLR Cameras
2 answers

What is the temperature of freezing of a camera?

I'm going to Alaska and I have a Nikon 5000 and I found a place where it says that wan person took his camera and it freeze.
I can't found where says at what temperature it freeze Please help

3 answers

Film Lenses to Digital Cameras?

At the moment, I'm using a Nikon N80 film camera and I have a very nice Tamaron lens that probably costs more than the body of my film camera. I'm going to be having to use a digital camera soon for my photography class, and I'd like to know what camera I'm going to have to buy to be able to use that lens. I'm looking at the N90 because its very similar to the camera I'm using now, but if I can't use the lens that I have, then it might not be the best camera for me.

Lens Info:
28-300mm / 1:3.5-6.3 Macro

1 answer

Will I have difficulties with customs in Europe?

I'm travelling to Germany this December and will stay there for travels and an internship. I'm taking 4 pieces of luggages and taking many personal belongings including brand items glasses, hats, belts, camera, wallets from Gucci, LV, Nikon, Ferragamo, Boss and so on… Also my iPhone5, an iPad and my ipod. It's all used and my personal belongings. There are no receipts or duplicate items nor any originally packed things… But I got worried because my friend from Germany told me I need to be careful with customs because they might think its commercial goods or I'm trying to smuggle things and charge me taxes… I was like WHAT? Charge me for my things? He told me to distribute the items in my luggages. Is that true though? I always thought that if I take many things that are originally packed I'll have to declare them, but not my personal items right?

Does anyone have personal experiences with this?

4 answers

I want to take up photography?

I've always been interested in photography, and I've only used regular digital cameras. I was wondering which is a better brand to get, Nikon or Canon? Also I'd like my camera to have a screen that you can view the pictures on afterwords. Kinda like a digital camera, but with different lenses, and I would like it to be able to focus on different aspects of a picture, like the background/subject. I also want to be able to upload the pictures on my laptop.

3 answers

Is this a grammatically correct statement?

"I don't have much experience with zoom lenses and I always considered them more of toy lenses. The only one that is really worth buying is the Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 but it is expensive."

3 answers

Is there going to be a black friday sale on the nikon j1?

In pink? Or a cyber Monday deal? Could you give me a site?

1 answer

Any good photographer needed for advice

For school, i need to get a picture of my school, but related to the title 'hidden [my school]'
do you have any ideas? I was thinking taking a picture of my school sort of hidden behind greenery, so you can only see it through the gaps in the bush, or if its misty, make it so you can only just see it. Do you have any ideas?
also another thing, how can i find what aperture and exposure time i should have, cos atm i mainly use auto.
btw i got a nikon 1 if that helps.

1 answer

Is the Nikon 24-120 f4 a perfect versatile filming lens?

It seems like it could be. On an FX camera I think I'd rarely want to go below f4 for filming (too thin DOF) and 24-120 is a very significant range, I think it'd probably be all I'd ever need. It has VR, which is always good. My only concern might be quality (or if there are better or better value alternatives). From what I've heard it's very sharp, but has a bit of distortion, which may or may not bother me depending on how noticeable it is. One thing that worries me is that I've heard one or two reviews mention a little bit of play in the focus ring. Is this found in all copies or did they maybe have faulty ones? Also, any filmographers out there, do you think this would be a major problem for manual focus filming?

1 answer

Is the Nikon 24-120 f4 a perfect versatile filming lens? - 1

It seems like it could be. On an FX camera I think I'd rarely want to go below f4 for filming (too thin DOF) and 24-120 is a very significant range, I think it'd probably be all I'd ever need. It has VR, which is always good. My only concern might be quality (or if there are better or better value alternatives). From what I've heard it's very sharp, but has a bit of distortion, which may or may not bother me depending on how noticeable it is. One thing that worries me is that I've heard one or two reviews mention a little bit of play in the focus ring. Is this found in all copies or did they maybe have faulty ones? Also, any filmographers out there, do you think this would be a major problem for filming?

Added (1). I want to use manual focus for filming, not autofocus.

1 answer

Is the Nikon 24-120 f4 a perfect versatile filming lens? - 2

It seems like it could be. On an FX camera I think I'd rarely want to go below f4 for filming (too thin DOF) and 24-120 is a very significant range, I think it'd probably be all I'd ever need. My only concern might be quality (or if there are better or better value alternatives). From what I've heard it's very sharp, but has a bit of distortion, which may or may not bother me depending on how noticeable it is. One thing that worries me is that I've heard one or two reviews mention a little bit of play in the focus ring. Is this found in all copies or did they maybe have faulty ones? Also, any filmographers out there, do you think this would be a major problem for filming?