Nikon SLR Cameras
5 answers

What is the point in the Nikon 1?

It seems to combine the portability of an SLR with the image quality of a compact- the worst of both worlds

2 answers

What should i spend my money on? - 2

I have no idea on what i should spend my money on… What do you guys think I should spen my money on? The new iPod touch (5th generation) Ipad Mini or a Nikon Camara?

3 answers

Looking for a good camera, suggestions? Nikon vs Canon?

Ok, so I've been looking for a nice camera. I've heard a lot of good things about Nikon and canon. My mom has a canon, its not a super nice one though ($400) and i don't really care for it at all. I would like to start practicing photography with this camera, i don't want to spend over $800, are there any nice photography cameras out there for that price that would be totally worth the money? I would like to know anyone's experience with Nikon also.

1 answer

Best black friday camera? Nikon, cannon or other?

What is the best deal for a black friday camera? Price wise and quality?

this link has a list of all the cameras that will be on same for black friday… Http://

i want a 14-16 mp point and shoot camera that is not bulky

5 answers

How to know which lenses fit your camera?

I have a sony a55 and I've been looking on amazon trying to get a 75-300 or something-300mm lens for my camera and a lot of them say for sony, nikon or canon digital camera or something like that. I want to be sure it works on mine though so how can I be 100% sure that they will fit mine?

1 answer

What sort of Spotting Scope would you suggest for watching ships at sea?

My father in law has a beach condo and is looking for a spotting scope that would allow him to view ships traveling out along the water. He lives on the 9th floor right on the beach so his view is largely unobstructed, but I have no idea what sort of specs I should be looking at when considering a scope for him. My main concern is not having enough magnification or a small field of view that limits what he can see, but I'm not sure how the specs of the scopes relate to such things. I'm looking for some insight regarding what the specs actually relate to as well as any suggestions on brands or models that are highly regarded. Also since this is his first scope we're looking for something simple and economical before dropping a whole ton of money on something he hasn't used yet. Looking to stay under $300 if possible (perhaps that's a pipedream given when I'm asking?). On another note, his wife does have a nice Nikon DSLR, so I wonder if there are any spotting scopes that allow for camera attachments or if I might just be better off buying a really nice high zoom camera lens and tripod instead. I'm a bit hesitant to do that though, since I want the gift to be for him and not her. If there are suggestions for binoculars as well, I'd gladly take those.

3 answers


I stupidly dropped my Nikon Prime lens this morning on the floor. The quality of pic is still fine but there's movement and blur even at fast shutter speeds… Also when the camera tells me it is at the perfect exposure… The shot is actually over exposed so I have to deliberately under expose for the right effect… Any ideas? And if it is does anyone know if it can be fixed?

5 answers

Difference between a 50mm and 30mm lens?

I use Nikon and take a lot of artistic-portrait pictures. I like using low f-stops to get the shallow depth of field, but what would the difference between a 50mm lens and a 30mm lens be? Would one be better than the other, or is it just a matter of opinion?

1 answer

NIkon or iPhone? Which one?

Ok, So I'm not sure which one i want for christmas.
the iPhone 5 is supposed to be really good,
but i take pictures every or iphone?
i could always take pictures with th iphone

1 answer

I need a flash for my Nikon?

I'm looking to purchase flash for my Nikon D-5100. I would like to know which you guys think would be the best to buy. I was looking into the SB-600, SB-700, or even the SB-800… Are there any other options that I should be looking into. I'm looking for something good enough for inside and out side portraits.