Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

Thoughts on the Nikon 1 V1 camera?

Thoughts on the Nikon 1 V1 camera?

4 answers

Looking for the best Nikon.for me?

I'm in need of a new camera. Since my bday and Christmas are so close together I'd like to get a Nikon. My cousin is photographer and is looking for someone to help part time in the summer. I'm a stay at home mom and was thinking maybe I could help out. I need to find a Nikon camera that's will work for that. So any helpful opinions are appreciated.

3 answers

Suggest me a good photo recovery tool for my nikon 1310 model?

Can any one suggest me a good photo recovery tool for my nikon 1310 model?

3 answers

What is an good quality Canon camera under $700?

I have a Nikon now that does not have a removable lens, and it is not a very good quality. The shutter speed is horrible, and I want something that will take quick, good-quality pictures, and in time, I can buy more lenses for.

2 answers

Tan band across photos at high ISO settings?

I've been testing out a new camera, and I just now realized that at a high ISO setting I get this tan line, which is sometimes in the middle, sometimes on an edge, and sometimes not there at all. I've never seen this happen before. What might the cause be?

Using a Nikon D600, tested with two different lenses with the same effect.

the line:

1 answer

Nikon professional camera or polaroid z2300/z340?

I need a camera cause mine is broken. I need good quality photos, a good battery and it needs to be practical as I will need this for many trips. I like the polaroids idea of printing but I'm scared to get one and the quality of photos would be bad. I have heard that nikon is a really good camera. If nikon, please tell me which model. There's also a price difference so please help!

6 answers

Nikon vs Canon vs Fujiflim vs Sony?

I'm an amateur photographer, and am wondering which camera brand woud be best for me considering the following:

I'm a begginner

Would you list pro's and con's of each?

Vintage Music
1 answer
Vintage Music

What lens did I use three years ago?

I'm looking at a photo I shot 3 years ago. When I go to View EXiF 2 sets of numbers come up.
500/10 and also 18/10.It shows focal length at 50mm. I do have a Nikon 18-200mm; and also 18-105mm.

2 answers

Nokton 35 f1.2 for nikon?

Dear all,
I was looking for a 35 mm lens for my nikon F3 and I found a nice second hand Voigtlander Nokton 35 1.2 (700-750 $)
can I adapt that lens on the nikon mount? And if yes
anything I should take care of? Any recommendations/suggestions?

2 answers

Which Camera lens would be better?

I'm sorry I'm an amateur so I know I'll probably sound dumb asking this. I've been trying to research this but I'm still a bit confused so I would appreciate help.

I have the Nikon J1 and I wanted to buy a new lens for it. I have the 10-30mm f/3.5-5.6 and the 30-110mm f/3.8-5.6. I wanted to get the 10mm f/2.8 lens because it was compact and a wide angle but then I saw they had a new lens the 18.5mm f/1.8. At first I thought it wouldn't be worth it because I have the 10-30mm but then I saw that it had a faster f-stop. So after researching the 18.5 I found it was really meant for portraits which I was looking for something I could use more for nature and street photos as well as quick snapshots. So I think I'm going to get the 10mm but I just want to make sure I'm making the right choice before I buy it because it's a lot of money for me and I don't want to buy something I don't need.

The 10mm is $249 and the 18.5 is $189 btw.

Added (1). Which one would be better for taking pictures of stars and the moon?