Nikon SLR Cameras

What camera would be a good camera for photo-shoots?


I need a camera that takes professional pictures that are high quality and clear. I also am going to take pictures of people (like models) so I need it to have different settings like night, panoramic, zoom, fireworks, etc.since some photo-shoots would take place in the woods, or at night and such. I would prefer a Cannon or Nikon. As for money, nothing over 1000 please.


Oh my, where to start.

No camera is professional, only people are professionals.

Most, even compact, cameras will take quality, clear photos, in the right light and in the right hands.

No professional nor enthusiast photographer would use settings like night or fireworks. They would use the settings on the camera to set aperture, shutter speed and ISO, plus white balance, EV, etc.

So, what you need is a photography course. If you can't get into a class, there are lots of tutorials online, such as

Direct your enthusiasm into educating you. Any camera will get you started, including the one on your smartphone, then spend your $1000 wisely when you have an idea of what you're doing.

If you really have to buy that camera now, get with a person that you know that is photography knowledgeable. Barring that, try this.


It doesn't matter. If you only know two manufacturers, and can't even spell one of them, you'll never develop the skill to use a camera properly.


It's a good thing you can't afford over $1000 because that's about where what you are looking for starts. It's a good thing too that you don't know what you are looking for and you're looking at the wrong way.

Those aren't settings. Those are presets. No camera brand goes boom! Professionals are people. The camera is only a tool. Picture quality depends on user skill. Again, the camera is only a tool. Here's what I recommend then.

A dSLR would be overkill for you. It may be troublesome to use with all the power that comes with it. You would only get frustrated with one. The camera in the link above is not a dSLR but it looks very much like one. It's called a bridge camera which was made for people who have the same demands as yours. Just remember to use it under lots of light and use the flash always when indoors or when light is low so that you will always get at least decent to fantastic photos all the time.


My take.go for nikon d5100 and use prime lens. 35mm1.8 or 50mm1.8.

Although D5100 is entry level SLR in commercial photography but with a prime lens you can get good professional quality shots. You do need an external flash for people photography and that will push your budget over 1000.