Nikon D7100 Is it Good enough For Professional Photo shoots?

Hi i'm starting out in Photography and am wanting to buy a decent camera that can last me through to when i start doing photo shoots i'm wanting to do mostly new born and portraits would the Nikon d7000 or the Nikon D7100 be any good thanks

Yes it's good enough for professional (a full frame sensor would be better) anyone says other wise is full of it.

Yes it'll do you fine. There's no need to go full frame.
What you'll need when you do portraiture work is good quality lenses and some lighting equipment - but get your camera first, learn how to use it thoroughly (& that includes manual exposure) and then begin to explore learning about light.
Start off with the kit lens that comes with the camera - it will be ideal to learn on.
As you progress you will add to your lens collection - good portrait lenses are;
- 50mm f1.8
- 85mm f1.8
- 24-70mm f2.8

Repeat 100 times: "It isn't the camera its the photographer."
Your results with any camera depend on your knowledge of light, composition, exposure and your skill in using that knowledge. For what you intend to do you'll need to learn about lighting for portraits and what equipment you'll need and then how to use it. Do a search for portrait lighting. Do a search for photographing infants/newborns. Do a search for portrait posing.
Better yet, enroll in photography classes.
Save money by buying the D7000.

Currently, I'm using a Nikon D300 and a D7000 for my photojournal and sports photography. The D7000 actually replaces a well-loved and well-worn D200. I also have and use a D90 as another backup.
The D7100 would be excellent for many professional photo assignments. It has the resolution, ruggedness, and adaptability that pros need. I'd only stick with a D300, D300s, or the D3/D4 series for those times when I needed an all-weather camera (better sealing) that could take more physical abuse (larger magnesium chassis).
The D7100 would work well for portrait wedding, news, and event photography. Look at some of these images shot by a D7100.
And some more shot by members of a D7100 group.
Here's a nice 25 page review.
This is one very capable camera.
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