Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon or Cannon (camera brand)?

Sunny Girl
Sunny Girl

Which brand is better?

Added (1). Sorry I spelled it wrong. It's Canon. Not Cannon.
Lol, you know what I mean

Added (2). Wow. What a big group of immature people. Most of you who answered didn't even answer my question, but criticized me for misspelling Canon. I'm sorry-- I'm new at photography. Just looking for a way to put someone down I guess. I get it, it's alright. I just let it roll of my shoulder. And some of you who made fun of me for spelling it "cannon" instead of "canon" proceeded to type me up a complete paragraph on the history of war cannons and various uses for them. That's pretty immature, because that had nothing to do with my question. And that's sad because I was asking this question to professional camera users & photographers, hoping to get some advice for a beginner teenager photographer. Instead I got a bunch of crud feedback for doing something so simple as making a mistake and misspelling a word. Wow just wow. That's all I have to say. Thanks a lot for your feedback. Lots of people answered, yet I'm still left sitting here wonde

You Make My Brain Hurt
You Make My Brain Hurt

There's no such thing as a "Cannon" camera. However… I prefer Nikon for the ergonomics.


Of course we know what you mean, people ask this question a dozen times a day. If you think there's a definitive answer, there's no point wasting your money on a camera.

I'd take Pentax over either. Sony and Olympus also have their adherents.

The best camera is the one that feels right in your hands - not the one most sheep are carrying.

Jim A
Jim A

Yes, a cannon is a war weapon… Canon is a camera company.


Do you know how many times this type of question gets asked about which Camera Manufacture or Camera Model is better or recommended far too often which I've said this many times before and I'll say this once again.

It comes down to personal preference where some may like how Nikon feels in their hands or how the layout of the Nikon Cameras are. Vice Verse on Canon Cameras.

Nikon fans would be saying to get Nikon. Same thing with Canon Fans where they would be saying to get Canon.

So otherwise it all comes down to personal preference.

By The Way:
Cannon By Definitions -
(1) A large mounted piece of artillery
(2) A large, heavy gun formerly used in warfare
(3) An automatic gun on an aircraft
(4) An automatic heavy gun that fires shells from an aircraft or tank
(5) A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile. Cannon very in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower, different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees, depending on their intended use on the battlefield.


I prefer Nikon and have been using it for a while, though one of my first cameras was a canon and it worked fine. But I would go to your local electronics store where they sell cameras like the kind you're looking at (depending on if you're looking for a DSLR or not) and try some out, see how they feel in your hand, check out the features and weight, ect.


And don't forget Cannon plugs. They were the original manufacturer of military-style connectors, and old-school electrical engineers still refer to them as Cannon plugs.

Oh yea, and Cannon towels.

But since the "which is better question" has been asked ad nauseum, I no longer have the energy to respond in detail, so…

My camera is a Nikon, my towels are Cannon.