Nikon SLR Cameras
5 answers

Where to get a used DSLR camera?

My boyfriend's mom is always saying that she wants a DSLR because her point and shoot camera has a lot of problems and is really old. I'd like to get her an older used dslr, because I don't have enough money to get her a new one. But I'm not sure where to get one. I don't trust ebay and there are no dslrs on craigslist near my area. Are there any websites I can visit or anything? (preferably a canon or nikon, but maybe a sony.)

3 answers

I need a 80-150mm F4 lens?

I have Canon EOS system with some ring adapters to mount Contax and Yashica, Nikon F, Olympus OM, Pentacon Six and Exakta lens.
I like manual focusing so vintage lens are not a problem.

Ususally i prefer the image quality of prime lenses. Is there something that have image quality near a prime in that focal range (about 80-150mm) with 2.8-4 diagphram aperture?

Added (1). Budget: 0-200 USD

Added (2). I need a zoom

3 answers

How much is an Nikon FM worth?

I bought one on ebay for $70 and i'm wondering if thats of reasonable price.

4 answers

What is the cheapest place to get 35mm film developed?

Target, Walgreen's, CVS, and etc.
I'm thinking about getting a Nikon FM pretty soon, and I''ve been wondering how much it will cost to get it developed.

1 answer

How to make my Imation microsdhc card on my mobile device?

I used my microsdhc card with an adapter on a Nikon dslr camera. Now I'm supposed to use it on my mobile device but it won't read it anymore. Or it would read it but when I install apps from Playstore it would become undetected. I tried formatting it FAT32 but it still won't work.

1 answer

I'm looking for a video camera but I don't know what they're called

I'm looking for a good quality camera possibly a Nikon cause those are typically better than Sony. I want a portable camera for vlogging & sometimes it's really dark out so i need a camera that carries with it a built-in portable low & high light (but not blinding) so that when I do vlog in the dark or at night people can see what's going on in the picture.

Is there anything like that? I don't know what these kinds of cameras are called, it'd be great to have one.

2 answers

Which Speedlight is best?

I'm looking to upgrade my Nikon Speedlight to something with a faster recovery time and just something newer in general. I have been doing research on both the Nikon SB-800 and SB-900/910 and read great reviews on each one! Is it worth spending the extra money on the 900/10 if the 800 is so comparable? I understand that the 900's have more features, but I'm unsure if they are really all needed? This flash will be used mostly in wedding photography. Any help would be great.

1 answer



but i don't want a 12m.p camera
i want it to be at least 16 mp

(is there any dslr thats between 25k n of 16 mp)

only nikon please

Anis G
4 answers
Anis G

How to use the Nikon 50mm f/1.8 D lens?

Just purchased a dslr and received a Nikon 50mm f/1.8 D lens as a gift. So I'm pretty new with the lens. Just wanna know does the f-stop works only on f22? I tried the others which goes to f1.8 but it wouldn't lock and I couldn't take pictures. So how do you use the other f-stops?

Added (1). I'm fully aware of the aperture and shutter speed setting in my camera. As well as the A mode and S mode.i've been using a dslr for 3-4 years. The thing that I don't understand is the 50mm lens that i've never used before. It has a dial to change the f-stops ON the lens. And only f22 can be locked (red lock button on the lens). If i change the value of the fstop, let's say f2.8, it can't be locked. I tried putting it on A mode but it doesn't seem to work. Only f22 can be used and not the others. What i'm doing now is putting f22 on the lens dial and changing the aperture setting in my camera. It seem to work nicely. But i was just wondering what are the use of the other f-stops ON the lens if it can't be locked like the f22 on it? Why can't the other values be locked?

3 answers

Deal to go to be true?

I put an ad up on CL 2 days looking for a New Nikon D600 and 70-200 VR II

And this guy emailed me saying he can get the Lens(FOR $1850) and Camera(FOR $1800) everything brand new in box but he would have to order them which takes 7-10 days. I pay no money upfront all he asks is that I have the money ready once they arrive and be patient.

I should also note he says that he sells photo gear on the side and its not his primary job.

It all sounds to good to be true so i'm wondering if I should give it a shot or just buy them new at my local camera shop.