Nikon SLR Cameras

Deal to go to be true?


I put an ad up on CL 2 days looking for a New Nikon D600 and 70-200 VR II

And this guy emailed me saying he can get the Lens(FOR $1850) and Camera(FOR $1800) everything brand new in box but he would have to order them which takes 7-10 days. I pay no money upfront all he asks is that I have the money ready once they arrive and be patient.

I should also note he says that he sells photo gear on the side and its not his primary job.

It all sounds to good to be true so i'm wondering if I should give it a shot or just buy them new at my local camera shop.


It all depends upon how you feel about buying stolen merchandise.


If it's too god to be true, it's not. Buy new.


Those prices seem very cheap. I think the person may be selling you a "gray market" body and lens. There's nothing wrong with a gray market item, it just will not come with a warranty and it will be more difficult to ever get it repaired. A dead giveaway of a gray market item is a photocopied user manual and a missing warranty card. If this is the case, you can do better than the prices he quoted you. Especially since there are places to buy them new for not much more than that.