Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon vs Canon for filmmaking?


I'm looking for a DSLR camera for filmmaking… Any advice?


Best dSLR's for video are Canon 60d and Panasonic GH2.


From my experiences, I prefer Canon for film making. I have used both and I say that Canon has really developed a better "movie mode" compared to Nikon. Canon's entry-level DSLRs (T2i, etc.) contain better video options than Nikon entry-level cameras (D3100, etc.). For enthusiast or advanced cameras like the Canon 60D and Nikon D7000, Canon still has superior options for video in my opinion.

Review on the manufacturer's websites the similarities and differences between each of the cameras interest you and go to a store to test them out. The best way to figure out which camera suits you is by using it.

Some things to look for video settings: Battery life, Manual Controls, Shooting Length. (For audio, I've always preferred to record my audio separate from the camera. No DSLR has a good internal mic unless the sound is close and the operator is quiet, along with the lens not being touched.)

Jim A
Jim A

Film making? Where have you people been. These cameras don't do film, they record video.
Obviously you need some help with this whole digital thing - perhaps a good class would help.

Film is in Hollywood, video is what we do