Nikon SLR Cameras

Would this softbox fit on a speedlight?

Nikon Dtwohundred
Nikon Dtwohundred


I have an external flash (third party flash) for my Nikon D200, that I can get off my camera with a flash sync cord.

My question is, would this octo-softbox be able to fit on the speed light?

And if no, do you guys know of any SMALL softboxes for speedlights, within the $25-$50?


Added (1). Oh, and if you can find another octobox, that would be a plus.

Jim A
Jim A

The simple and very cheap way to get soft light from any flash is with diffuser material. I simply cut it in strips and tape it over my flashes and get a look like this.


The spec page noted it was for EX flash heads which are Canon. I'm not sure if those have the same dimensions as your flash. This isn't small either, 36 inches diameter!

deep blue2
deep blue2

As Jim's illustrated answer shows, simply placing some diffuser material over the flash head does NOTHING to soften the light (note the hard shadow to highlight transitions where you can see the shadow?).

The only way to get soft light is to make the light source BIGGER relative to the subject.

I have mentioned a couple of alternatives in my other answer, but no that octobox is specifically for Interfit EX studio lights (I'm not even sure if they use the Bowens S mount, or some brand specific mount).

Alternatively, there are speedlight to studio light bracket converters (bit cumbersome but they work I believe).

Edit: keerok, Interfit EX studio heads are totally different (& nothing to do with) Canon EX speedlights!