Nikon SLR Cameras

Best Softbox Kit for Portrait Photography?


I'm looking into eventually purchasing a softbox kit for my photography business. I'm new with lighting kits but it's something I want to get into. I shadowed another photographer who owns one and I really liked his softbox kit compared to the old style umbrella continuous lighting kits. I want to find a kit where instead of having continous light, the softbox lights are only activated every time the shutter releases on my camera. What are some kits that are fairly cheap? I use a Nikon DSLR camera

deep blue2
deep blue2

You can use a softbox or an umbrella with both types of lighting - flash and continuous. One is not solely the preserve of a single lighting type.

Just look for off camera flash (studio lights or small speedlights for portability and location work) - all sorts of modifiers, such as softboxes, umbrellas, snoots can be added, depending on the lighting look you want.

The bigger the light source the softer the shadows.

If you want a modelling light, then you need to look at studio lights.

To sync them with your camera's shutter, your best bet is wireless radio triggers. I use RF602's.


You can survive with one set of soft box kit and use a reflector to balance the other side but basically, you buy at least two depending on your lighting requirements. Here is a site where you can do your window and actual shopping.


I'm actually about to start a Youtube channel and was looking for a professional look on my takes. I've gotta say, this hit the nail pretty good. The lighting is perfect, just what I need it.

It comes with a bag to carry the set with you wherever. It also comes with the bulbs, which by the way are HUGE! If you're looking to add a professional look to your takes go with this. You want a video that's alive and not looking like you've recorded in a dark basement with shadows everywhere. For $60, I honestly can't be happier with this buy.